7 Healing Rays
Blue Ray
Cohan - El Morya
Ascended Master Twin Flame - Lady Amerisis
Archangels - Michael & Faith
Elohim - Hercules & Amazon
Chakra - Throat
Qualities: Divine Will, Power, Faith, Protection, Trust, Releasing and Clearing Fears, Reconnecting to God, Cutting Cords, Integrity, Honoring Your Light, Inner Strength, Physical Strength, Power of Love, Self Expression, Embodiment, Courage, Self—Determination, Leadership, Letting Go/Letting God
Yellow Ray
Cohan - Lord Lanto
Former Cohan and Twin Flame - Kuthumi & Lady Jezebel
Archangels - Jophiel & Christine (aka Constance)
Elohim - Cassiopeia & Minerva
Chakra - Crown
Qualities: Beauty, Illumination, Wisdom, Constancy, Consistency, Self-Confidence, Self-Awareness, Brightening & Lightening Up, Detoxification of Mind/Body/Spirit,, Shining Your Light, Meditation, Enlightenment, Spiritual Connection to Source & Guides, Clair-Cognizance, Heals Worry and Stress of the Mind, Spiritual GPS
Pink Ray
Cohan - Paul the Venetian
Ascended Master Twin Flame - Lady Ruth Hawkins
Archangels - Chamuel & Charity
Elohim - Orion & Angelica
Chakra - Heart
Qualities: Divine Love, Unconditional Love, Charity, Creativity, Artistry, Manifesting Love in All Its Forms, Creating Sacred Spaces, Healing Heart Wounds, Acceptance, Gratitude, Divine Discernment, Emotional Intuition, Clair-Sentience, Empathy, Sympathy, Activating the Three-Fold Flame, Self-Love, Self-Acceptance
White Ray
Cohan - Serapis Bey
Ascended Master Twin Flame - Almora
Archangels - Gabriel & Hope
Elohim - Claire & Astrea
Chakra - Root
Qualities: Purity, Hope, Ascension, Inner Strength, Inner Power, Getting Grounded, Oneness, Clears Insecurities, Provides Security and Safety, Optimism, Connection to Source/Life/Self, Unites Spirit to Humanity
Heals: Helplessness, Hopelessness, Apathy, Disempowerment, Weakness, Abandonment, Loneliness, Isolation, Addictions, Abuse, Neglect, all wounds caused by disconnection from Self, Life or God/Source
Green Ray
Cohan - Hilarion
Ascended Masters - Kwan Yin & Pallas Athena the Goddess of Truth
Archangels - Raphael & Mary
Elohim - Vista & Crystal
Chakra - Third-Eye
Qualities: Truth, Healing Mind, Body, and Spirit, Self-Worth, Self-Value, Generosity, Realism, Psychic Abilities, Scientific Invention, Awakening Third-Eye Chakra, Intuition, Higher Mindedness, Cognition, Higher Insights, and Instincts, Abundance, Visualization, Miraculous-ness, Immaculateness, Empathy, Mother Nature, Relationship to the field of Creation
Golden Ruby Ray
Cohan - Lady Nada
Ascended Master Twin Flame - Lord Sananda
Archangels - Uriel & Aurora
Elohim - Aloha & Peace
Chakra - Solar Plexis
Qualities: Grace, Peace, Ministry, Passion, Teaching, Conscious Living, Phoenix Rising from the Ashes, Letting Go of Control, Going with the Flow, Inner and Outer Peace, Self-Empowerment, Becoming the Higher Self, Finding Your TRUE Self, Being the Light, Surrender, Synchronicity
Heals: Disgrace, Shame, Guilt, Blame, Hatred, Procrastination, Stagnancy etc. as well as Lack, Poverty and Scarcity Consciousness
Violet Ray
Cohan - Saint Germain
Ascended Master Twin Flame - Lady Portia
Archangels - Zadkiel & Holy Amethyst
Elohim - Arcturus & Diana
Chakra - Sacral
Qualities: Freedom, Justice, Mercy, Forgiveness, Transmutation of negative into positive, Karmic Clearing, Benevolence, Restores Perfection, Philanthropy, Rhythm, Victory, Righteousness, Divine Dispensations, Activates the Power of Creation, Spiritual Authority, Balance & Harmonhy
Heals: Judgements, Corruption, Deceit, Imperfection, Persecution and Victimhood
Check out the video at the top of the page for a powerful Alchemy of the 7 Healing Rays Meditation.
Stay tuned for upcoming 7 Healing Rays and Secret Rays courses
Contact joelle@leeannsomers.com if you are interested in purchasing any of the past Masterclasses