Private Sessions
I am honored you are considering me to work and support you in your healing and your soul's expansion. Every session with me is unique and fully guided by Spirit, but typically in a private session with me you will experience personal transformation, touch on deep core feelings, access spiritual records, meet your Angels & Guides, open your psychic centers, and heal at multiple soul levels.
The intention is always to welcome that which is in your highest and best good in this now moment, and your guides will know what’s on your soul’s agenda. Be open to their guidance and let the energy flow in the most graceful way. All that is required on your part is to be willing to allow more love and light to flow to you, a desire to reconnect to that which is already within you, and therefore an opportunity to grow, change, and/or remember your inner beauty and strength.
Private sessions typically begin with a conversation, an introduction of your guides, and any channelled messages that may come through from Spirit including potential energy work, soul level readings, clearings at the karmic or ancestral lineage level, guided meditations, and other healing exercises and techniques.
I look forward to meeting you and guiding you through your transformation.
Currently Offerings
Energetic Healing Work
Healing with the 7 Healing Rays
Traditional Usui Reiki healing
Reconnective Healing® & The Reconnection®
Soul Level clearing to remove energetic blockages to peace, health, success, love, and happiness
Transformational Coaching
Intuitive coaching and spiritual counseling
Meditation and intuitive training
Introduction to your Angels & Guides and developing your intuition
Spiritual protection and grounding
Lightworker training
Intuitive Readings
Messages from the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Spirit Guides
Guidance to your life purpose
Relationship healing and guidance
Akashi Records readings and past life healing
One-on-one sessions with Lee Ann are by phone, via Zoom, or in person at Lee Ann's office in Dania Beach, Florida.
Book a Private Session
What People Are Saying
“I have had over a dozen Spiritual Sessions with Lee Ann Somers, and I find her intuition and guidance unparalleled and very empowering. I have never had even two remotely similar sessions with her. I have discovered she has, with no apparent agenda, tuned into ME to bring me the healing, clarity, insight, enlightenment, balance, and peace I need at the time. She somehow knows exactly what I am coming to resolve or understand, and always has incredible answers and guidance. I find that the information and processes give me immediate understanding and clarity, and are so pervasive that they take days, or even weeks to fully integrate. I am very humbled and grateful for her spiritual presence in my life. I am truly blessed to have over eight years of friendship, guidance, mentoring, and deep spiritual brotherhood with Lee Ann, and I do not know anyone on this planet that I trust more deeply, or go to more confidently and in confidence, and I am truly grateful for her intervention in my life. She presents guides, masters and teachers in a down-to-earth way, and I have now gained personal relationships with several Archangels from the introductions and repeated meetings with them in the spiritual healing sessions I receive from Lee Ann. Basically, Lee Ann cracks open my heart and allows the free full flow of energy and love to permeate my entire being and broadcast outward to the world, and it has resulted in my personal beacon of light to be a powerful force in the world. I unconditionally encourage anyone to enjoy a session with Lee Ann, to experience for themselves the incredible power and compassion of this wonderful spirit that I know intimately. She is like no other human being I have ever met, and I know that she can create that same awareness in you, too.”
— Larry
“I leave each session with clarity and a heart full of love, and with a sense that my life is heading in the right direction and my dreams are slowly coming true. Through empowerment and clearing Lee Ann is really one of a kind. It's hard to put her into a box or into words because her connection is boundless and therefore, she offers you the same possibilities. Lee Ann is so open and loving, you feel as though you can share anything in a space of unconditional love. That open flow allows for transformation to take place. Lee Ann has helped me learn about my inner strengths and turned them into outer power in my life. She has taught me to connect to myself and use my abilities in life to further my intention. Spirit is always present, and the light is always in her heart.
Meeting with Lee Ann is the best hour I spend all week. She opens my mind and broadens my horizon. There are no words to explain the magic that happens when Lee Ann channels her guides. When one goes in with an honest open mind and heart, there are no bounds to the healing that will take place. If you get the opportunity to experience Lee Ann you will walk out glowing in abundant light.”
— Carolina
“I have had private sessions with Lee Ann for the past two to three years and our sessions normally start by discussing my current issues and thought processes that hold me back. Lee Ann helped me with healing of my past life traumas and facilitated the transformation to move up to the next level. Lee Ann channels guides, and you can truly feel their healing presence around during the guided mediation. Transformation can happen very rapidly, and the process has always been very peaceful and uplifting as it allowed me to step back and get clarity. She has really helped tremendously in my spiritual journey, awareness, and evolution.”
— Marianne, UK
“I went to Lee Ann for a private health session because of a potentially serious health issue and struggling with a lot of turmoil in my life. I was amazed at the experience since she led me into a meditation, and we ended up going to visit my wounded inner child that held all the pain and suffering that I had felt growing up. For many years, I had suffered from bouts of depressions and felt that there was a deep dark hole inside of me that could never be filled. I felt this was where my wounded child lived, so I was terrified to willingly go into it that space, but Lee Ann reassured me that this time was different, that I wouldn’t get stuck there and drown in the darkness. I leaned on Lee Ann’s love and strength, and we brought in divine loving white light to my wounded child and immediately there was a miraculous transformation. In seconds, my wounded child became healed, whole, and beautiful once again. I felt love and forgiveness from her, and not the anger and persecution I thought she would always carry for me. We fell in love and merged in loving consciousness. It was an experience that I will treasure forever! That single hour session did more to help heal my past than all of the ten years of psychological counseling I had received prior.”
— Alexia
“Lee Ann's ability to work with the Archangels and Guides has had a profound effect on my life. Learning to connect with my own guides, along with her Archangels and guides, has led to a healthier, both physical and spiritual, life. She is profoundly blessed with the ability to connect to Spirit for our higher good, and the higher good of the Universe. Lee Ann and I have had many healing sessions where she would work with the Archangels to look at any potential spiritual blockages and then to clear and repair those blockages. This has given me the ability to move forward with my spiritual growth and look at the experiences in my life from a positive perspective. I have been on many guided meditations with her, and all I can say is that the journeys are always amazing, leading to healing spiritually and physically. I Love you Lee Ann.”
— Karen