Courses & Workshops
At Being U we offer you a sacred and safe path where you can
find your SELF, love your SELF and BE your SELF.
These BEING U Courses and Workshops are designed to rebuild your spiritual connection
to SELF & SOURCE & LIFE, to develop and train your intuitive and meditation muscles so you can harness your power of Self Love and Healing on all levels of your Mind-Body-Spirit,
AND to give you conscious awareness and integration training
on how to wield the 7 Healing Rays which are the heart and soul of
Lee Ann’s BEING U teaching programs and coaching philosophy.
BEING U trainings not only help you to know and BE your true SELF, they also simultaneously help you build a working relationship with your Guides and God/Source/Spirit/Universe.
You’ll learn how to call on your friends in Spirit including the Archangels and Ascended Masters building your confidence and trust with them so they can support, guide, and supply you with their wisdom, abundant love and spiritual resources in your daily life.
In no time, you’ll have your energy channel opened up and flowing BeUtifully!
You’ll know how to use your 7 RAYS, and you will be back to BEING yoU living life creatively from an authentic place of empowerment, joy, love, connectedness, hopefulness, healing, purpose, balance, freedom, fulfillment, gracefulness, abundance and blessedness!
If you have been looking for answers to life’s biggest questions, "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?", or “How do I do THIS?”, or if you’ve been searching for spiritual tools to create a life that you love, then you belong here! Welcome to the BEING U path!
Courses & Workshops
2025 Spiritual Maintenance Plan
This monthly program is designed to nourish, energize, and revitalize your spirit, and support your spiritual intentions by helping you shine your Light even brighter. It is intended for all levels and has no prerequisites. The best time to begin is always in your perfect NOW moment.
Live Zoom classes are every Monday from 7pm to 8pmish Eastern Time.
Week 1: Healing with the Archangels
Week 2: Messages from the Masters
Week 3: Alchemy of the 7 Healing Rays
Week 4: Energetic Clearing
$33 for all 4 classes per month. Classes are recorded and will be sent to you the following day in case you miss the live class. Join at any time during the year. Please note that replays are provided as long as there are no unforeseen technical issues.
*All reminders with the Zoom link will be sent at 6:45 pm, 15 minutes prior to the online event and upload to the SMP WhatsApp group.
March SMP:
I welcome you to join me on Monday nights for Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka – “SMP”). Each week offers a weekly soul nourishing program to support your BeUtiful spiritual lifestyle. Here’s a glimpse into what’s up this month in SMP….
Monday, March 3rd - Week 1
Tonight’s BeUtiful Archangelic guided meditation will be hosted by the Archangels Michael & Faith from the Blue Ray, Archangels Chamuel & Charity from the Pink Ray, and Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst from the Violet Ray. They will guide us through a meditation process to activate all of their Rays in Balance within us, and then they will speak to us on the importance of holding our Twin Flame Balance, what it achieves, and how it creates higher Alchemy in your life.
Monday, March 10th -Week 2
Our Ascended Master Teachers have been so instrumental in coaching us into our new 5D directives this year, and they are ready once again to step up and speak with us about Holding the NEW 5D Balance for ourselves, and as an example for humanity. After a brief meditation, I will open my channel to the Masters and Teachers who wish to speak to us collectively about the topics they feel are most important for us to focus on now. Some discussions may include new information on the Violet Flame energy for 2025 which has been building quickly this year, and our 5D status report on how well we’ve been individually recuperating and reintegrating our spiritual fortitude since they released us from the higher service last November, and perhaps on how we can start creating more Balance in our lives.
(Please plan for a little extra time tonight as messages will add to the program length. Thank you.)
Monday, March 17th - Week 3
In the Spirit of “BEing 5D Balanced,” there’s no better thing to do on an Alchemy night than to really balance out our masculine and feminine aspects of EACH Ray! Join me for an amazing 7 RAY guided meditation as we go Ray by Ray to make sure you are fully present and flowing with the dual aspects (masculine & feminine) of each Ray. Once your Rays are all in Balance, I have no doubt this will lead to a Twin Flame Activation of your Higher Self! I can’t wait!!
Monday, March 24th - Week 4
The Spring Equinox falls just a few days before our Energetic Clearing SMP, on the 20th actually, and it is so befitting that we tune into the Equinox’s good vibes with a BeUtiful chakra balancing meditation experience tonight. Join me, and the cosmos, for a whole-body experience to open, recalibrate, and to optimize your 7 power centers’ flow and to super charge your field for the next 3 months!
All SMP classes are Live on Zoom or by Replay. The registration fee is $33 for the month. Please note that replays are provided as long as there are no unforeseen technical issues.
*All reminders with the Zoom link will be sent at 6:45 pm, 15 minutes prior to the online event and upload to the SMP WhatsApp group.
If you’re new to BEING U, I invite you to try a month of SMP as my FREE GIFT to you! It’s such a great way to get to know BEING U, to start a meditation practice, or to compliment your already existing spiritual practice, and it would be my pleasure to welcome you to our community.
Please click below to register for my gift to you! And while you’re at it, invite a friend or 100 to do the same! All are welcome, the gift is LIMITLESS!!
(Remember you can attend Live or receive links to the recordings for your convenience.)
The Way of BEING U Coaching Series
I am very excited to be offering something NEW! For the following 10 months (March-December), I will be offering THE WAY OF BEING U Coaching Series, a 90-minute monthly group coaching call based on this MASTERCLASS’s teachings to support the Integration of your new WAY of BEing U throughout the year.
This Coaching Series will be available exclusively to participants of the WAY OF BEING U in 2025 MASTERCLASS. It is optional, but highly recommended, and can be joined LIVE on Zoom, or you can opt to receive the recordings to replay at your convenience. Dates will be announced in the MASTERCLASS.
This will provide us a great opportunity to build unity as we hold each other’s visions in our collective heart, and to continue to be accountable, responsible, and committed to achieving our personal goals for 2025. I will happily re-energize you with the Rays, channel new and relevant insights and energetic reports from our Guides to keep you growing, and answer all of your questions and trouble-shooting needs.
You must sign up for the entire THE WAY OF BEING U Coaching Series which can be paid in one lump sum of $250 or which can be paid in monthly installments of $25/month.
**The reminder email with the Zoom link will be sent at 6:45 pm, 15 minutes prior to the online event.
Speaking with Spirit
Speaking With Spirit this month will be held IN PERSON on Wednesday, March 12th at 7pm.
This program will open with a guided meditation followed by an intimate dialog with your angels, guides, masters and teachers that I will be channeling between you and them. Attendance is limited to 8 people in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides. Spots fill up quickly so please register early.
Limited to 8 attendees
Date: March 12, 2025
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern
Location: Dania Beach, FL
Registration fee: $44
*This is a non-refundable event and being on time is a must, thank you.
**Registration closes at 7:00 pm on March 11th
***The reminder email with directions to Lee Ann’s home will be sent on Tuesday evening, March 11th.
Spring Equinox Mediation
Join me IN PERSON under the stars for our SPRING EQUINOX MEDITATION!
Weather permitting, this is the perfect evening to bask in the auspiciousness of the Universe, to receive blessings, and to find your perfect BALANCE, and of course for us to share time and space together in BeUtiful community. You will enjoy an energetic cleansing ceremony as well as a guided meditation to start your Spring off right! This event will be held at my home on Thursday, March 20th from 7:30pm-9:30pm, and it will be outside, so please dress accordingly.
Date: March 20, 2025
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Eastern
Location: Dania Beach, FL (Street parking is available to the EAST of our house. Please me mindful of our neighbors and don’t block their driveways.)
Registration fee: $25 & Limited to 25 Registered Attendees
*Registration closes at 7:00 pm on March 19th
**The reminder email with the directions to Lee Ann’s home and parking instructions will be sent on Wednesday evening, March 19th.
What People Are Saying
“Lee Ann is a very open and pure compassionate channel for the work of the universal God, that is now being done our planet. She is very gifted in her teachings and meditations! She will open you up and guide you within these classes to trust and learn on the compassion of your own heart for the individual empowerment of your soul's journey. As our planet comes into higher frequencies, so does our ability to learn and bring things into balance. Lee Ann's teachings will put you on ‘the Bullet Train’ to wisdom and knowledge of so much more. Each class fills my heart and l radiate more.”
— Marti
“The Rays have empowered me to live more fully by guiding me into the layers of my being down into my soul where understanding and healing took place so that I may understand myself better and reach my fullest potential as a sister, daughter, healer, teacher, friend and human. They have given me the ability to connect to the archangels and masters to guide me and help me connect to my intuition and the divine energy around me. I have felt safer in my skin and more grounded in my being.
Lee Ann is amazing. She can relate concepts and ease each student and client into meditations and deeper understanding. She has an incredible sensitivity and perception which allow her to get deep into roots. Through her meditations, initiations, and channeling, I have been able to experience first-hand profound healing and connection to layers of my soul and beings beyond the human eye. I owe my progression to unconditional love to the work I have done with Lee Ann. The Rays have unleashed a confidence and power in me I never thought possible.”
— Carolina
“Lee Ann is like a wise coach, guiding me to discover in myself the ability to live more in line with who I truly am. Through the insights, tools, and techniques she offers in her classes, I have become much more empowered to create what I want in my life and understand why I created what already exists. What she teaches works if we use what we've learned. Because of classes on the 7 Rays, I am more aware of the how the rays, archangels, and ascended masters function as an essential part of my life, and how I can work with them.”
— Joann
“Lee Ann is a phenomenal light worker. I attended the green healing ray which help me to develop my psychic abilities. The green ray helped me to heal past life issues, insecurities, and judgments I had about myself. It also brought a ripple effect of healing to my family. The violet ray gave me the confidence, I needed. It helped me to let go of my fears and motivated me to start my business. The violent ray taught me to be a magician and to transmute all negativity energy back to its original form of love.”
— Marsha
“Lee Ann Somers is a uniquely gifted and talented spiritual teacher who continues to amaze and enlighten me with her insight, teachings and meditations. I love her authenticity, generously kind and loving soul, and her connection to the 7 Rays! “
— Karen
“Working with Lee Ann has been an amazing experience. I have taken several classes and workshops. Each one is a new level of experience and a deeper level of healing. Through working with Lee Ann, I met my spiritual peeps and was brought to my soul family. Take a class, book a session, and you will definitely not be disappointed.
— Melanie