Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

January 2025 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy JANUARY!


HAPPY NEW YEAR, BeUtiful BEings!!!!

It’s 2025, and we have just turned the page on what was obviously the most exponentially challenging year ever! We have finally wrapped up the mission of 2024, which was a massive, major, all-encompassing, transmutational overhaul of every front, back, inside and outside nook and cranny of our BEingness (including our LIFE experience field), not to mention our contribution to the same efforts for the collective good!  Whew!


This sacred effort has not always felt very sacred, and the Lightwork last year has not always felt very Light. I found myself, as I’m sure you did, spending every spare ounce of spiritual energy that I could muster in 2024 astral travelling to stand ringside with the many Lightworkers who have wanted to tap out, cheering them on one more round, and double timing on the refueling-the-exhausted-souls pit crews on higher planes. The work has been exhausting, BUT and this is a BIG but, SO REWARDING, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way!


Then November 19th happened!! The sky parted, the angels sang, the burdens lifted, and just like that, the deadline arrived, and the Universe declared the mission successfully accomplished!

My soul gently crash landed into Love and sweet exhaustion where I have been replenishing ever since. In this post Plutonian shift, there is a real need to soothe and regroup, and to learn to BE different.


I swear a part of my Soul wants hit the snooze button a few times before we roll into the 2025 energies, and I bet yours does too. That’s OK. There’s no rush and no pressure right now and that inner voice that says get up, do more, you’ve gotta have it all figured out, is the lingering voice of 2024 PTSD styled motivation, but really, it’s ok to linger in a restful, nourishing, recovery state for a minute longer. 2025 isn’t going anywhere without us, and this whole year is about rebuilding our vision for our lives and our world. The demolition work to establish the Violet Flame Age is complete. Rest a bit extra and take off all the pressure before the fun of remodeling and designing begins.


In case you need a Get-Out-Of-Guilt-Jail Free card so you can properly recoup, here’s some incentive. I have been regrouping for 6 weeks now like my life depends on it -- at Aurora’s insistence. She’s my guardian Archangel, so I really take her advice seriously, but in truth, I have come to honor how much I really needed to recoup and how beneficial it’s been for me, which I share in expectation that the same will be for you.


In such a short time, I realized that a lot of my spiritual strength has sling-shotted back from the higher planes where it was volunteering on important things I don’t have the bandwidth to ask about yet and has grounded back home into my center where it belongs once again. I am feeling more like ME than I have in a long time including the spiritually integrated human me…as in my human IS ONE with my higher self to a past level and capacity, re-achieved once again and then some. My vibe is much more effortlessly feeling happier and more present, definitely less stressed and anxious, and even some of my 3D intuitive “talents” that shut down for years in order to conserve energy and redirect flow to higher planes, have all of a sudden, lit back up, and are back on with a renewed vigor.  I feel powerful and clean, and ready to renew my contract with the Divine Plan unfolding, as in the burnout feels lifted, and I feel blessed. It’s so refreshing!!! And I know it’s just the beginning of BEING me again.


My dear friends, like me, I have no doubt that you barely have awareness of how much energy you’ve given up to facilitate this transformational shift for the Aquarian Age’s launch, and like me, I’m sure you wouldn’t change a thing if you had to do it all over again. Just know this, please… all that I have received and so many more rewards are also available to you! I want you to reap the abundant materialized blessings that are benevolently being dispensed to you throughout this year. My one continuous prayer on behalf of all of is, “Make it Worth It! Thank You” Make the blessings and rewards so valuable, tangible, feelable, knowable, sense-able, and all permeating in this world and in the hearts and minds and souls of all sentient BEings, and that all of you BeUtiful BEings never have to worry or fear life again. I pray you receive spontaneous dreams jobs, the most incredible life partners, that you win the lottery jackpots, that you have soul level peace, and that you get to have coffee and conversations with your angels every day, and what-ever is your version of that which would make it worth the investment you have made. I know you will have it all, and it’s already happening. My phone has already been ringing with calls from our BEing U peeps that start with, “Lee Ann, You’re not gonna believe this!” and which end with me saying, “This is only the beginning of the Blessings, stay open to receive!”


We are going to have a very HAPPY 2025!! With that intention in my heart, I offer you a gentle, sweet, and angelically enveloped liftoff into our BEING U theme for the month of January, the scintillating question, one worthy of turning off the last snooze button and awakening the soul for… WHAT NOW?


Let’s find out WHAT NOW? in my favorite way…. Together!


Just in case you haven’t made a great soul elevating New Year’s resolution yet, I welcome you to consider joining our BEING U Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka SMP) as your gift to your Spirit! This is a great way to stay on the Spiritual success track and to hold yourself accountable for showing up to BE with YOU, regularly. No pressure, just love. SMP is a LIVE weekly program on ZOOM on Monday nights at 7pm EST, or you can always receive the recordings for your convenience. Each week we delve into spiritual practices, channeled meditations, guided messages from our friends in Spirit, and high vibing energetic reports and Attunements from the 7 Rays to stay spiritually optimized and tuned-in.

Here’s a peek at what’s on the Plan for January’s SMP:


Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (JAN 6)

Tonight’s BeUtiful Archangelic guided meditation will be hosted by the Queen of the Archangels, Beloved Archangel Mary, and my girl, Archangel Aurora. This might sound a bit familiar since they hosted our SMP in December, but tonight’s meditation will actually be a continuation of their promise to nurture, love, empower, and recharge us as we cross into the New Year. They have literally been my re-integrators over the last few weeks and it has been under their masterful touch that my soul has realigned so seamlessly with my humanity. Tonight, they wish to facilitate the same for you! Their answer to the question, WHAT NOW? is: A Soul level Re-calling, Re-introducing, Re-Wiring and Re-Calibrating of YOU! It’s time to Let Go of the Past with Grace and to “eclose” (means to emerge from a cocoon) into your BeUtiful SELF version 20.25.


Week 2 – Messages From the Masters (JAN 13) FULL MOON

The Ascended Masters and Teachers have answers for you! After our opening guided meditation, we will offer our BEING U theme in the direction of our Mastery trainers and see who steps up to answer the question on every body’s mind, WHAT NOW? As is typical on these SMP message nights, we will receive multiple group messages from a number of different Ascended Master Teachers and hear their interpretations on the topic at hand. They always seem to know exactly what we need to know, when we need to know it, and I am ever grateful for the Masters contributions to our human spiritual family. 
PS. Tonight’s Full Moon in Cancer will also be a highlight for our Attunement and discussion.


Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (JAN 20)

Happy New Year from the Rays! Join me for the first Alchemy attunements of 2025! Each one of the 7 Rays will make a special appearance to give you it’s gift, message, energy, and blessing. Surprises are in store for you, but WHAT NOW? Answered by the Rays could mean 7 new layers to your energetic shields, a few new tools to add to your spiritual armory, some extra boons, blessings and dispensations, and even spiritual activations and awakenings. The Rays will also offer you the opportunity to be an open channel and conduit for transmitting blessings to your loved ones and to the world tonight, so think about who you’re praying for and connecting to in advance if you wish.


Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (JAN 27)

We’ve got a lot of good vibes coming up this week! First, tonight marks the arrival of the planet Mercury into the House of Aquarius, as if there wasn’t enough energy in Aquarius already, LOL. And on Wednesday, January 29th, we have the New Moon in Aquarius which hails in the Lunar New Year, which in Chinese Astrology means that 2025 is the year of the Wood Snake. (I’m a Fire Snake, so this should be an interesting year for me! Wood feeds Fire and makes us blaze!) Taking inspiration from both of these mile markers, tonight, we will blaze new trails and open up some spaces to thrive and grow energetically, and since Mercury in Aquarius gives us a chance to refresh our desired role and commitment to making this world a better place, we’ll see to clearing out the old way of doing that, and find the WHAT NOW? way.


(As always, you are welcome to join for a single SMP program for $11 per evening, or for $33 for the entire Month of SMP.)


If you’re new to BEING U, I invite you to try a month of SMP as my FREE GIFT to you! It’s such a great way to get to know BEING U, to start a meditation practice or to compliment your already existing spiritual practice, and it would be my pleasure to welcome you to our community.
Please click below to register for my gift to you! And while you’re at it, invite a friend or 100 to do the same! All are welcome, the gift is LIMITLESS!!
(Remember you can attend Live or receive links to the recordings for your convenience.)



Next up, step into your REAL Spiritual Power in 2025 and claim your Right to BE U with our first BEING U MASTERCLASS Series of 2025:


The Way of BEING U in 2025” – A 7 Rays MASTERCLASS Spiritual Re-Training Program


Are you ready to make 2025 your best year ever? You’ve earned the RIGHT to BE YOU in 2025 and the Rays are ready to show you the Way to BE so you can do just that!


Join me for 7 Weeks of energetic Attunements and instructions from the Archangels and Ascended Masters on how you can show up differently in 2025 because of the Self-transformational work you accomplished in 2024.


The Way of BEing moving forward is going to be optimized by, and dare I boldly say require,  training and supervision from our team in Spirit so we don’t run the risk of repeating old trauma responses of powerlessness, scarcity, and fear that were so dominant of our experiences last year and so that we build the confidence we need to stand in our Spiritual Right to collaborate with our Life as a creative expression of who we are. In other words, your outsides (LIFE) is going to reflect what’s on your insides (BEingness), and because we’ve hovered in survival states and held so much stress in our bodies, minds, and hearts, we have to unlearn that way of being in order to BE back in our true nature.


2025 is our time to re-train ourselves to open to Love again. We have to re-hone our intuitive instincts to navigate us through goodness, rather than waste those talents on detecting and endure disturbances. We have to find our flow of connectivity with others in a harmonious way again, and break the cycle of over shielding ourselves too harshly from one another which wounds our sense of belonging and creates loneliness. These ways of BEing are in our Divine Nature and must be reclaimed as they are not our obviouse default go-to modus operendi of late, and this MASTERCLASS is designed to reach the goal of transcending separation wounds and spiritual exhaustion so that we can re-engage with ourselves, with others, and with LIFE in a state of Joy and productivity, with compassionate and empowerment, with purpose and balance, with freedom and ease, as it is meant to BE.

Here's a simple question for you…. Who do you want to BE in 2025?

A Creative Powerhouse? A Guru of Life? A Peaceful Warrior of truth and justice? A Blessed and Beloved Incarnation of Divine Source, Individualized and God endorsed? A Master of Love and Faith? A Shaper of the Universe? Or maybe, a Happy, Healthy Human living a purposeful life is the perfect BEingness for you. It’s all possible. It’s all RIGHT. It’s all YOURS!!


What do you need to do to BE THAT? Choose it!


This Masterclass is literally a game changer, and the 7 Rays are ready to show you what you’re made of, REALLY, and how to BE that. A YOU THAT is Free to express your creative authority. A YOU THAT can decide where your energy flows and grows. A YOU THAT breathes and lives in harmony. A YOU THAT is miraculous and magical AND practical. A YOU THAT takes responsibility for your experience and THAT channels your spiritual force into every facet of your life, unapologetically. A YOU THAT isn’t reactive, repressive, resistant and avoidant of Life, which comes from a space of wounds and trauma and is filled with anxiety, survival instincts and fear based patterns, but rather a YOU THAT is a PRO-ACTIVE, I CAN DO THIS, affirmative, acceptant, empowered YOU! Fearless. Brave. Bold. Worthy. Happy. Loved. Generous. Kind. Graceful. Right-FULL. God-like. YOU! Notice I bold faced the word THAT everywhere in this paragraph; it’s purposeful to imply from your Highest, as in I AM THAT!! THAT I AM!!!


Welcome to the next incarnation of Ascension training, the 7 Rays Path for living an extraordinary, spiritually sourced, BeUtiful life! I look forward to emerging THAT which we truly ARE in 2025 with you!!

Save the Dates: Thursdays from 7pm-9:30pm on 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20.

Registration Fee: $225 for the Series of 7 Weeks


Then, I am very excited to be offering something NEW! For the following 10 months (March-December), I will be offering THE WAY OF BEING U Coaching Series, a 90-minute monthly group coaching call based on this MASTERCLASS’s teachings to support the Integration of your new WAY of BEing U throughout the year.


This Coaching Series will be available exclusively to participants of the WAY OF BEING U in 2025 MASTERCLASS. It is optional, but highly recommended, and can be joined LIVE on Zoom, or you can opt to receive the recordings to replay at your convenience. Dates will be announced in the MASTERCLASS.

This will provide us a great opportunity to build unity as we hold each other’s visions in our collective heart, and to continue to be accountable, responsible, and committed to achieving our personal goals for 2025. I will happily re-energize you with the Rays, channel new and relevant insights and energetic reports from our Guides to keep you growing, and answer all of your questions and trouble-shooting needs.

You must sign up for the entire THE WAY OF BEING U Coaching Series which can be paid in one lump sum of $250 or which can be paid in monthly installments of $25/month.


I have 3 more SPECIAL EVENTS this month to share with you:


Join me IN PERSON under the stars for our annual 1:11 Galactic Portal Meditation! This is the perfect evening to bask in the auspiciousness of the Universe, to receive blessings, to gain clarity for our vision for 2025, and to share time and space together in community as we co-create our vision for our BeUtiful world! You will enjoy an energetic cleansing ceremony as well as a guided meditation to start your year off right! This event will be held at my home on Saturday, 1/11 from 7pm-9:30pm, and will be outside, so please dress warmly in case the temperature drops.

Seats are limited to 25 people and registration must be completed 24 hours in advance.  Attendance is $25 per person and all are welcome!!
(Street parking is available to the EAST of our house. Please me mindful of our neighbors and don’t block their driveways. Thank you!!)


Speaking With Spirit this month will be held IN PERSON on Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm.

This program will open with a guided meditation followed by an intimate dialog with your angels, guides, masters and teachers that I will be channeling between you and them. Attendance is limited to 8 people in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides. Spots fill up quickly so please register early.

Reservation is $44 and must be completed 24hrs in advance.

This is a non-refundable event and being on time is a must, thank you.

(Street parking is available to the EAST of our house. Please me mindful of our neighbors and don’t block their driveways.)


Lastly, I welcome you to join me for our first GRACEFUL GATHERING of the year on Wednesday, January 29th at 7pm to celebrate the Chinese New Year!

My BeUtiful friends, let’s ring in the Yin Year of the Wood Snake together as we share in a New Year’s blessing ceremony and guided mediation followed by sacred time to mingle with our BEING U peeps. Graceful Gatherings are the BEING U way to unite our Lightworker family, and to say thank you to our tribe for BEing YOU! They offer us a chance to build community in a BEING U way, and I am going to do my best to offer these Gatherings once a month. This is a FREE event; however, Registration is Required as space is limited to 40 people.

We’ll be gathering at my house in Dania Beach and street parking is available.

(Snacks to share are always welcome and appreciated for the offerings table.)


I know that there’s a lot going on this month so here’s the Highlights to help you plan:



Spiritual Maintenance Plan (SMP)
Mondays: 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27


The Way of BEIng YOU in 2025 MASTERCLASS:
Thursdays: 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20



1/11 Galactic Portal Meditation:
Saturday, January 11th at 7pm


Speaking With Spirit:  
Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm


GRACEFUL GATHERING- The Chinese New Year Celebration:
Wednesday, January 29th at 7pm


That’s all for now folks! May your January be filled with happiness and worth!

With all my heart, I love you and wish the happiest and BEST for you this year!



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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Lee Ann Somers’ December 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy DECEMBER!


I am still floating in a post-Thanksgiving vibe, and my heart is so full of gratitude for the gift of our BEing U tribe! It is truly an honor to be a part of your lives, and I just need to say thank you for your presence and Soul-ship. I love you all!


November was a doozey, wasn’t it? Talk about down to the wire transmutational work and revolutionary change… we’ve survived another election, the holiday season has official kicked off, and oh-yeah, Pluto landed in its new zone for the next 20 yrs. Woo Hoo! And one more thing, we’re floating celestially between the 11:11 Portal and the upcoming 12:12 Portal doing all sorts of fabulously powerful but mostly unconscious creating for the upcoming year.


So as December greets us with cooler weather and a few retrograde releases, we’re all set to “WRAP UP 2024 with Love & Light!”, our BEING U theme for this month’s programs.


This Month’s SMP (Spiritual Maintenance Plan) which is normally on Monday nights will be scheduled a little differently than usual in order to gather on 12:12 for a special Portal Meditation together. 

Please mark these dates for this month’s SMP Zooms:


MONDAY - 12/9 - Healing With the Archangels

THURSDAY - 12/12 - 12:12 Galactic Portal Mediation

MONDAY – 12/16 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

MONDAY – 12/23 – Energetic Clearing


Spiritual Maintenance Plan is always available LIVE on ZOOM at 7pm EST, or by replay at your convenience.


Here’s a more detailed peek at what’s to come, week by week in December:


Monday, December 9th - Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels

Tonight’s BeUtiful guided meditation with the Archangels will be hosted by the Archangels Mary and Aurora and whomever they wish to call upon to Wrap you Up in so much Love and Light! This is our final Healing with the Archangels for 2024, and I have no doubt that they will help us to integrate the lessons we’ve been training in this year, and to massage the tension from our souls that have accumulated due to all the growth and progress we’ve made this year. They also wish to recalibrate your 3-Fold Flame and set your Heart ablaze for the coming New Year


Thursday, December 12th - Week 2 - SPECIAL EVENT – 12:12 Galactic Portal

12:12 is a Spiritual Awakening Portal, and I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to meditate with you on this day for the world! During the 11:11 Portal last month, we began building a forcefield of Light around your spiritual Lightbody in order to ground into your BEingness the new Light codes and Vibrations from your highest Source so you could operate at a whole other level in the years to come. Since that evening, your Spirit has been consciously and unconsciously recreating its NEW SELF within that Cube, and during 12:12’s Portal, we emerge from that creative chamber and complete the spiritual rebirthing process. This yearly shedding of the old and beginning of the new happens on our higher planes, but when we align with the process intentionally, magic can happen…Especially this year!


Monday, December 16th - Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

We will celebrate together the gift of the Rays in our lives and flow one more time with our final Alchemy attunements of the year. Each one of the Rays will make a special appearance to give you a final dose of the most important attribute/frequency of that RAY that you have been integrating and mastering all year. You might be surprised to see how far you’ve come vibrationally into the LIGHT and LOVE of your Source Rays!


Monday, December 23rd - Week 4 – Energetic Clearing

Join me for the last SMP of 2024! It’s time for a BeUtiful meditation flow with all our friends in Spirit! The whole crew is welcome to join us as we tweek your shields and blast open your chakras with so much LOVE and LIGHT. We’ll make sure to call upon the VIOLET FLAME to transmute any last minute gunk in your aura and open your channel to all the highest and best for extra blessings and dispensations as we WRAP UP the year and all its goodness for you!


(As always, you are welcome to join for a single SMP program for $11 per evening, or for $33 for the entire Month of SMP.)


If you’re new to BEING U, I invite you to try a month of SMP as my FREE GIFT to you! It’s such a great way to get to know BEING U, to start a meditation practice or to compliment your already existing spiritual practice, and it would be my pleasure to welcome you to our community.
Please click below to register for my gift to you! And while you’re at it, invite a friend or 100 to do the same! All are welcome, the gift is LIMITLESS!!
(Remember you can attend Live or receive links to the recordings for your convenience.)


It's only right that I WRAP UP this message with all of my LOVE & LIGHT! I love you all with all my heart! Namaste, and thanks for BEing You!

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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Lee Ann Somers’ November 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy NOVEMBER!


We are officially moving into the home stretch of 2024, my BeUtiful friends and this month is all about that fabulous New BE-ginning we were told to BE Ready and to Get Set for in October.

If you haven’t said goodbye to your old ways of BEing yet, it’s time to bless and release the old YOU in November and say “HELLO BeUtiful!”, our BEING U theme for November!


Why are we talking about new BEingness at the end of a year you might ask, well the answer lies in the Stars, or rather in the planets. Whether or not you’re into astrology, just know that there are 2 major influences occurring this month that are major celestial gamechangers.


First off, Pluto is FINALLY landing into its new home of Aquarius for the next 20 years. It has been switching houses back and forth and bouncing in and out of Retrograde all year long and this has been putting our delicate Spirits through a washing machine spin cycle of inner change, karmic clearing, and radical transformation. In other words, we have been consciously and unconsciously burning through major stuff all year long, and I am so excited that the crazy cycle is over on November 19th!


Secondly, Saturn, the planet that rules over things like career, authority, how you handle responsibility and challenges, has been Retrograde since June and is FINALLY ending that business on November 12th. Since 2024 has been all about Mastering our Spiritual Authority and Violet Flame BEingness, this Saturn Retrograde has really been pummeling how we handle all things extroverted, a direct compliment to how we’ve been internally transmuting because of Pluto.


All this to say, November is a perfect time to give yourself a lot of extra love, some extra room to breathe, and sweet mindful moments to honor where you’ve been and what you have BEcome. Recognize that all the complaints that have been pushing up from your depths have been those old patterns dismantling and blazing off in your soul fire and soon you’ll be feeling that gorgeous Light and Love within you shining brighter and more powerfully than ever!


My dear friends, I have been on this journey with you in person and in Spirit, energizing you from the ethers along with our teams in Spirit! So, let’s slide into November with a lot of Belovedness and Grace, and celebrating YOU!


The HELLO BeUtiful! party BEgins with SMP! Join me on Monday nights, LIVE on ZOOM at 7pm EST, or by replay at your convenience, for the heart of our BEING U practices with the Spiritual Maintenance Plan. It’s a great place to BE YOU, and to commune with your team in Spirit. We will share messages from our guides, bask in the spiritual practice of meditation, and optimize your Alchemy with the 7 Rays.


Here’s a peek at what’s to come, week by week in November:


Monday, November 4th – Week 1 – Healing with The Archangels

HELLO BeUtiful ANGELS! I think it’s accurate to say that, above all things, the greatest influence on who I AM today has been the presence and the blessings I have received from my friends the Archangels being in my life. They have literally stood before me as mirrors of my own true self and taught me everything about who I AM, and this evening they wish to do the same for you.  Who will stand before you to mirror your true SELF, and what qualities and BEingness will you truly SEE your Self to BE? That is the question to be revealed!


Monday, November 11th – Week 2 - Messages from the Masters

HELLO BeUtiful Masters! Tonight we are going to veer off our usual program for an extra special 11/11 Meditation! This is my FAVORITE night to meditate, and I can’t wait to take you on a journey through the celestial Gateway of 11/11. This is literally the gateway for New BEginnings and Spiritual Authority. It’s the perfect time for defining and fulfilling dreams, for supercharging your energy with the many great vibes pouring in from on high, and for grounding your NEW YOU into your next stage on your Ascension journey!


Monday, November 18th – Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

HELLO BeUtiful RAYS! In honor of all the crazy (but BeUtifully necessary) work that Pluto’s travels have been compelling us through this year, and in celebration of its final arrival in its new home of Aquarius, tonight’s meditation will be hosted by our Violet Ray friends in Spirit, Archangel Amethyst and Lady Portia. They are joining us with one final push of VIOLET FLAME transmutational energy to set ablaze FREEDOM’S FIRE in, around, and through you (and your Karma) one last time! They want you to BE FREE to BE the SPIRITUAL AUTHORITIES of your LifE! Tonight is a blast off into your BEST YOU EVER!


Monday, November 25th – Week 4 – Energetic Clearing

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, tonight’s BEING U practice will be a Gratitude Ceremony and Meditation practice. I welcome you all to join me in sacred space to say thank you to God/Source/Spirit/Universe for all of the blessings that we have received and to open your channels to the world to spread around our Love and Light to all. I AM so grateful to YOU, my Beloved friends and spiritual community, for all that you are and all that you do, just because you’re BEING YOU! You mean the world to me, thank you!  


As always, you are welcome to join for a single SMP program for $11 per evening, or for $33 for the entire Month of SMP.


If you’re new to BEING U, I invite you to try a month of SMP as my FREE GIFT to you! It’s such a great way to get to know BEING U, to start a meditation practice or to compliment your already existing spiritual practice, and it would be my pleasure to welcome you to our community.
Please go to the registration page to register for my gift to you! And while you’re at it, invite a friend or 100 to do the same! All are welcome, the gift is LIMITLESS!!
(Remember you can attend Live or receive links to the recordings for your convenience.)


I will be offering our next Speaking with Spirit ONLINE on Thursday, NOVEMBER 14th at 7pm-9:30pm-ish. This program will open with a guided meditation followed by an intimate dialog with your angels, guides, masters, and teachers that I will be channeling between you and them. Attendance is limited to 8 people in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides.
Reservations must be completed in advance. Spots fill up quickly, so please register early.
(This is a non-refundable event and being on time is a must, thank you.)


Lastly, Mark your calendars… I invite you to join me for a NEW MOON Beach Reiki/Meditation Circle, on SATURDAY NIGHT, November 30th at 7pm. With all the energy shifts of this month, I think a gathering is called for! Let’s welcome in the holiday season together in Dania Beach (location to be announced) with a BeUtiful night under the stars with Reiki, Meditation, Crystals, Sage, Hugs and BeUtiful peeps - YOU!


I encourage you to bring your own towels, mat or chair as you prefer, and light refreshments will be served afterwards. (You’re welcome to bring something to share if you’d like.)

$35/person and Spots are limited to 28 people. Registration closes 24 hours in advance, so reserve your spot today!


Well, HELLO BeUtifuls, it’s time to say GOODBYE, for now anyway. Goodbye to the old YOU and Hello to the NEW YOU! Have a wonderful November and no matter what, JUST BE YOU!


With all my heart, I love you!!


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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Lee Ann Somers’ October 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy OCTOBER!

It’s October! I hope that you are all happily entering the Autumn season, and that you have been feeling the generous vibes coming from the heart of the Universe that are propelling us in waves into what feels like a new season and even a new beginning. In just the last few short weeks, the energies blasting us have literally swung our moods and motivations like a pendulum into a very different BEingness and the shifts are still coming in!

I trust that our BEING U theme from last month helped you to “Come Into Alignment” with exactly where you are meant to be right now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re still not sure where you’ve landed and what’s to come next, and that’s really OK! Some of the things that you’ve been going through last month and even now reach so deep into your Karmic patterns and into your Akashic Records and have been stirring the past up in ways that feel a bit disorienting, but the last of the clearing work is taking place from your Higher Self on your behalf and for your good, and the processes that you don’t know are hitting you from all directions are coming to an end. My guidance says to hang tight for the last of the roller coaster ride until November, and until then, we are going to take it easy in October, practicing staying centered, grounded, and open for your highest and best.

Our BEING U theme for this month continues to develop last month’s “Come Into Alignment” theme and welcomes us to “BE Ready, and get SET for A New BEginning”. In other words, this month we will deeply connect to true ourselves, our guidance, and to our intuition in order to cultivate understanding of what’s been transforming in our BEingness and to gain insights on what Karmic shifts we’ve been transmuting and why. We’ll also catch up on some self-care with opportunities for much needed healing work to re-energize our body, mind, and spirit to ready ourselves.

This is a perfect month to be immersed in our spiritual and meditative practices, and a time to keep things, including life, simple, clean and mindful. This will facilitate us to release the old, to integrate that which needs to be integrated, and to set ourselves up for a successful relaunch into our NEW.

My guardian Archangel Aurora says that this is a very important time for self-awareness for all and that even a small energetic investment will yield great dividends, and when I asked her what to expect, she said for some people it means finally reaching a space of acceptance, love, and surrender. For others, this BEginnning might mean full blown Awakenings and Kundalini risings or even spontaneous gifts of Light emerging. No matter what is in store for your Ready and Set-ness, I am honored to hold space for you to reset and to help prep your Alchemy for your New BEginning into your BEST YOU YET!

Let’s get SET with SMP! Join me on Monday nights, LIVE on ZOOM at 7pm EST, or by replay at your convenience, for the heart of our BEING U practices with the Spiritual Maintenance Plan. It’s a great place to BE YOU, and to commune with your team in Spirit. We will talk with our guides, meditate, alchemize, and get your soul vibes READY AND SET all month long.

Here’s a peek at what’s to come, week by week in October:


Monday, October 7th - Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels

This evening meditation time with our Archangels gives us the first opportunity this month to plug into what’s been evolving with you, and the Archangels are finally ready to divulge some insights to loop you in on, well, YOU, the NEW YOU, or they would say the NOW You. They wish to share group messages as well as a guided meditation to not only tell you, but also to show you what your new energetics look like and how they are designed to function moving forward.  

(Please plan for a longer than usual program this evening to give the Archangels who wish to channel messages time to share their insights on BEING READY with you.)


Monday, October 14th - Week 2 – Messages from the Masters

Join me for a BeUtiful evening with the Ascended Masters and Teachers on the topic of “Getting SET for A New BEginning.”  Tonight’s program will begin with a guided meditation and energy flow, and then group messages channeled from the Ascended Masters and Teachers who wish to speak to us on the topic of what you are being called to prepare for, how to do so, and how you can ease into the transition for yourself, as well as, how to help the collective at this time. Our goal this evening is to enrich your self-worth, self-access, and self-courage, and to help you complete your last level of Mastery training so that you may be SET for the next stage of your growth. It’s time to wrap up your old lessons, heal old patterns once and for all, and move on to new, better, and Higher BEginnings.

(Please plan for a longer than usual program this evening so multiple Masters have time to share their wisdom and activations with you.)


Monday, October 21st - Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

Tonight’s Alchemy mediation will call upon all 7 of the Healing Rays and some of the 5 Secret Rays in order to establish the proper Alchemy for your I AM Channel. We will especially focus on the Violet Flame for Karmic transmutational wrapping up of the old, and a huge dose of the highest attributes of the Blue Ray to set you up courageously on the path for your NEW BEginning. 


Monday, October 28th - Week 4 – Energetic Clearing

For tonight’s Energetic Clearing meditation, we’re going into the future! Join me, and our friends from the Akashic Records, to visit you in the not-too-distant future so that we can shower your life with blessings, abundance, and success and to set the stage for future you to BE amazing, loved, happy, healthy, connected, on purpose, and basically to have it all and BE it all! And before you ask, yes we can, in the NOW be the CAUSE for all future EFFECTS, so let’s create YOU then, in the NOW!

(As always, you are welcome to join for a single SMP program for $11 per evening, or for $33 for the entire Month of SMP.)


If you’re new to BEING U, I invite you to try a month of SMP as my FREE GIFT to you! It’s such a great way to get to know BEING U, to start a meditation practice, or to compliment your already existing spiritual practice, and it would be my pleasure to welcome you to our community.
Please go to registration page to register for my gift to you! And while you’re at it, invite a friend or 100 to do the same! All are welcome, the gift is LIMITLESS!!
(Remember you can attend Live or receive links to the recordings for your convenience.)


I will be offering our next Speaking with Spirit IN PERSON on Thursday, OCTOBER 17th at 7pm-9:30pm-ish. This program will open with a guided meditation followed by an intimate dialog with your angels, guides, masters, and teachers that I will be channeling between you and them. Attendance is limited to 8 people in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides.
Reservations must be completed in advance. Spots fill up quickly so please register early. (This is a non-refundable event and being on time is a must, thank you.)

Please keep an eye on your emails for more BEING U healing and meditation events to come in the next few weeks.

With all my heart, I thank you for BEing YOU!! I love you All and I can’t wait to see what’s developing for your NEW BEginning!


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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Lee Ann Somers’ September 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy SEPTEMBER!


On this Labor Day week, I feel like doing nothing at all of the laborious sort except write to you! So, Hi! I have missed you BeUtiful BEings being in my life and on my screen, and I am super excited to reconnect with you.


It is never easy for me to restart my motivation engines after spending weeks on vacay basking in the Pink Ray vibes of the French Riviera. I wish I could say I am being gentle with myself about this, which is what my spiritual advice to others would be at a time like this, but the fact of the matter is that an inevitable post vacay inner battle has begun, and it’s not easy to pick a side. It sounds a bit like this…My inner Frenchie vacationer has launched into defending her right to linger in vacation bliss “just a little longer”, while my inner you-gotta-get-it-doner fights back with the classical, “you’ve rested enough; now it’s time to go full blast again.” Frenchie responds with a convincing esoteric argument, “but is there really ever enough?” At which point Archangel Aurora, ever the Diplomat, inserts, with both enormous compassion and presence, “COME INTO ALIGNMENT.” Both parts of me are ready to interpret this message to fortify our respective agendas; however, her Grace flows though us both actually creating alignment and suddenly somehow all of me agrees that Aurora in her wisdom, has just laid out our BEING U theme for September…and off into ALIGNMENT we go!


I’m sure you know what it’s like to have your own inner battles, the tug-of-war games of duality that never seem to get resolved. A part of you says yes, the other no. One says DO, the other says just BE. Duality is our human nature and the Violet Flame teaches us that we don’t have to pick a side. Actually, it’s impossible to choose only one side and to stay in balance. You must honor the two halves of the whole and even more, you have to see them both as equal blessings and one BEingness. They are inseparable like the Ying and the Yang, and in fact both parts host a piece of and instigate the other. So, this month, we will devote our BEING U practices to discovering how to operate within duality and how to create lasting ALIGNMENT which can only happen from that unity of SELF.


Join me weekly on Monday nights, LIVE on ZOOM at 7pm ET for our BEING U SPIRITUAL MAINTENANCE PLAN, aka SMP. (Replays are also available for your convenience.) SMP is the foundation of our BEING U offerings and beginners and regulars alike are welcome to join us in sacred community to align our spiritual intentions together, and to tune in to our guides in Spirit, practice our meditation skills, and to fine tune our Alchemy with the help of the Seven Rays.


Here’s a peek at what’s to come, week by week in September:


Week 1 – Monday, September 9th – Healing with The Archangels

What are you coming into ALIGNMENT with? Whether you’re ready for a new awareness, a physical or emotional healing, a worldly opportunity, a deeper connection to your God Source, or to a necessary release or transformation, the Archangels are here to facilitate that alignment for you. Join me for a beautiful meditation to allow our friends, the Archangels, to align you with whatever is for your highest and best good right now, and then as a special SMP bonus, I will be happy to open my channel to share a few messages about our topic of ALIGNMENT from whichever Archangels would like to speak with our group.

(Please plan for a longer than usual program this evening to give the Archangels time to share their insights on “Coming Into Alignment” with you.)


Week 2 – Monday, September 16th – Messages from the Masters

Join me for a BeUtiful evening with the Ascended Masters and Teachers on the topic of COMING INTO ALIGNMENT. Tonight’s program will begin with a guided meditation and energy flow, and then group messages channeled from the Ascended Masters and Teachers who wish to speak to us on the topic of Alignment.

(Please plan for a longer than usual program this evening so multiple Masters have time to share their wisdom and activations with you.)


A quick share from my heart to yours:
In the last few months of SMPs, on Masters night, I have explored this new format of throwing our monthly topic at the Ascended BEings and giving them plenty of space to take the topic into their own minds and hearts and to speak with us freely on it. They have far surpassed my expectations in what they have delivered back, and I have noticed two significant things for which I am very grateful. First, I have noticed that the Masters have used this opportunity as an invitation to us to get to know them on a more personal level. They have jumped off the pages of ancient texts and come to life for us in such a way that they have become our friends and peers, and riding on the vibrations of their words, their love has flowed so generously and tangibly as a way to connect to us. Secondly, I am grateful that the Masters have used this opportunity to educate us on the work they are currently doing on the planet and for awakening beings. They are keeping us in the loop of what’s going on, and I feel like we are being gifted with a behind-the-scenes VIP access pass. We’re even being invited to participate in the Lightwork with them. I am loving this connection with them more and more every month, and I hope you are too! Just thought I’d share.


Week 3 – Monday, September 23rd – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

The Autumn Equinox falls on Sunday the 22nd this year, the day before our SMP Alchemy night, so we are going to take advantage of the Equinox Vibes and Come Into ALIGNMENT with the Universe of balance and equanimity. What a great moment to call upon the 7 Rays and to create balance in our Masculine and Feminine polarities, between our Spirit and our physicality, between the past, present and future, and between our internal nature to our external creative field. Tonight’s meditation will leave you perfectly harmonized in all your aspects and feeling wonderfully ALIGNED!


Week 4 – Monday, September 30th – Energetic Clearing

For tonight’s Energetic Clearing meditation, we’re going into the Heart! It’s time to align with, expand, and amplify your 3-Fold Flame! I absolutely love our 3-Fold Flame meditations, and I try to do one every few months. They provide an opportunity to reaffirm your spiritual nature and to amp up your spiritual fortitude. They help you gain more access to Divine Power, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Love so you can embody, personify and express the 3 Aspects of your Higher BEingness. 3-Fold Flame Meditations also help us to powerfully reset our energetic field of Light so we can release that which we are holding in our hearts, minds, and bodies that no longer is useful or necessary, while making room to bring in all that is in ALIGNMENT with you NOW. I hope you will join me for this BeUtiful and Self Loving experience of alignment to your true Divine Nature.


As always, you are welcome to join for a single SMP program for $11 per evening, or for $33 for the entire Month of SMP.


If you’re new to BEING U, I invite you to try a month of SMP as my FREE GIFT to you! It’s such a great way to get to know BEING U, to start a meditation practice or to compliment your already existing spiritual practice, and it would be my pleasure to welcome you to our community.
Please go to my registration page to register for my gift to you! And while you’re at it, invite a friend or 100 to do the same! All are welcome, the gift is LIMITLESS!!
(Remember you can attend Live or receive links to the recordings for your convenience.)


I will be offering our next Speaking With Spirit IN PERSON on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19th at 7pm-9:30pm-ish. This program will open with a guided meditation followed by an intimate dialog with your angels, guides, masters, and teachers that I will be channeling between you and them. Attendance is limited to 8 people in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides.
Reservations must be completed in advance. Spots fill up quickly so please register early.
(This is a non-refundable event and being on time is a must, thank you.)


And now our final BEING U offering….

It has just come to my attention that Sunday September 29th is known as MICHAELMUS – The Feast of Michael and All Angels!!! How I didn’t know this before, I do not know; however, now that I do, I would like to invite our BEING U South Florida community to gather for a potluck feast to celebrate the Angels and Archangels who have so lovingly blessed our lives and who continue to hold us in their loving prayers. Since this is the first time creating this event with you, I propose a 5pm-8pm happy hour/appetizer/hors d’oeuvres themed gathering where everyone brings a small offering of food or drink to share. I invite you to be creative and heart centered in your shares (and angelically inspired), and together we will celebrate our collective love of the angels! Go to my registration page to RSVP and which will be required to attend. Registration will end 72hrs before the gathering so a final count of attendees can help us to finalize the set up. If anyone would like to volunteer to help set up the space the day of, or if you have any questions about what to bring, please text or call Lee Ann directly. Details to follow by email once you have registered. I look forward to sharing space and Aligning with you and the Angels!


With all my heart, I thank you for BEing YOU!! I love you All!



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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Lee Ann Somers’ August 2024 Newsletter

July 29, 2024


Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy AUGUST!


Bonjour chers amis! Hello from the French Riviera, my friends! I arrived yesterday in my home away from home and to the heartland of my Pink Ray temple in Spirit which hovers over the Rhone River Valley, and my heart is so Pink right now! 


I woke up today at 1pm, still adjusting to the new time, but not too jetlagged, nothing that a perfect croissant and some coffee couldn’t fix. I hung out with my friends, then took a beautiful walk, mostly uphill, in the woods just outside of my village, watched a few Olympic reels, and settled in to write you a note. The church bells just rang out that it’s 8pm, and the savory sunset has just begun as the sun slipped over the fence for it’s slow evening descent. It’ll be hours before it reaches the horizon. I have just been handed a glass of French Rosé and some delicious homemade olives that my hosts brought back from their travels in Portugal. I am literally in Heaven!! I might possibly be convinced that life does not get better than this, however, being on the Golden Ruby Ray path includes that I always have to leave room for upgrades, no matter how unlikely that is.


I know that my ambitious soul promised you BeUtiful BEings a full calendar of events while I am away, but having now examined that closer logistically and at Aurora’s loving suggestion, I have decide that we can do like the French do, and take the month of August off. I hope this isn’t too disappointing to you all and that you will appreciate resting your meditation muscles as much as I will. We will be resuming SMP and other programs in September with a fully recharged Spirit and hopefully with some great adventures to share with you.


I invite you all to have a BeUtiful adventure this month – whatever that means to YOU!

Adventures can be created anywhere, just open your heart, and Love yourself fearlessly. Try something new even if it’s uncomfortable (like renting a car and driving in France for the first time solo - SO WEIRD, but totally DO-ABLE!), and perhaps draw inspiration from the Spirit of the Olympics! Challenge yourself. Build HOPE. Make an international friend. Earn a Gold Medal for BEING YOU!!!  Remember that anything is possible and the world is at your fingertips!


I love you all, and will be sending you tons of happy hearted Pink vibes as you are always in my heart! Namaste, les amis et Gros Bisous!

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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Lee Ann Somers’ July 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy July!


Welcome to my favorite month of the year to talk about all things VIOLET FLAMEY, after all, Fourth of July is right around the corner! Liberty, Freedom, and Justice for ALL are not only our country’s mantra they are literally the frequencies of the Violet Flame that the United States of America embodies. Every country has a Ray actually, and it just so happens that America was born (in 1776) just in time for the dawning of the Violet Flame’s Aquarian Age to ground the themes, activity, and ideals of the Ray into the grids of the planet. Granted, we still have a lot of work to do transmuting old consciousness and karma, and we’re gonna need a lot more practice   to fully achieve BEING VIOLET 100%, but the imprints, Light codes, and potential to BEcome THAT are written into each and every soul alive today on Earth, and it’s time to set them free to BE!


Since the Summer Solstice energy blasts, I have become abundantly aware of a powerful recurring theme from the Violet Ray which I would love to concentrate on with you as our BEING U theme for JULY, and that is BEING AUTONOMOUS! Autonomy, by Webster’s definition means having the right or power of self-rule or being without outside control, but the guides from the Violet team are taking it a step further and decreeing by Violet Flame definition that it means that everything YOU need is with-in you, IS YOU, already. As in, the SOURCE of YOU, IS YOU!


Understanding our Autonomous nature is the key to unlocking our true creative freedom and power, and it is also the gateway to experiencing omnibenevolence, a completely infinite and generous state of love permeating all of Life.  I am really looking forward to exploring BEING AUTONOMOUS in its many variations (and all things VIOLET RAY) across our BEING U programs with you this month!


First up, SMP! Join me on Monday nights, LIVE on ZOOM at 7pm ET, or by replay at your convenience, for the foundation of our BEING U practices with the Spiritual Maintenance Plan. It’s a place to land, to BE YOU, and to commune with your BeUtiful Spirit. We will talk with our guides, meditate, alchemize, and nourish your soul vibes all month long. Here’s a peek at what’s to come, week by week in July:


Week 1 – Monday, July 1st – Healing with The Archangels

What are you waiting for? YOU. What do you need? YOU. Whatever is missing is in YOU! Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst from the Violet Ray are stepping up from the Archangelic realms to reestablish your personal AUTONOMY in tonight’s channeled guided healing meditation. These Archangels will help you flip the switch from being in DEPENDANCE to INDEPENDANCE, from LIMITATION to FREEDOM, and from LACK to AUTONOMY.


Week 2 – Monday, July 8th – Messages from the Masters

Join me for a BeUtiful evening with the Ascended Masters and Teachers on the topic of BEING AUTONOMOUS. Tonight’s program will include group messages, meditations, and healings from the Ascended Masters St. Germain and Lady Portia on the importance of the Violet Flame for personal transformation, how to heal your relationship to your Self and the world, how to move past regret and into emotional freedom, and also how to claim your right to be you…or any number of Violet topics the group needs to hear tonight.

(Please plan for a longer than usual program this evening so all of the Master have time to share their wisdom and activations with you.)


Week 3 – Monday, July 15th – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

The Summer Solstice brought us a wave of powerful transmutational Karmic debt clearing energy that really deserves more time and attention to integrate, and so I am dedicating tonight’s SMP Alchemy program to CLEARING KARMIC DEBT. The spiritual and human IOUs that we don’t know we’re paying unconsciously cause us to give away sparks of our power, identity, free will, time, energy, and many other soul currencies that drain us of who we truly are. It’s time to clear those debts off your record, and tonight’s Rays will help to do just that so you can operate from your full AUTONOMOUS power and in your full loving potential moving forward.  


Week 4 – Monday, July 22nd – Energetic Maintenance

Tonight’s Energetic Maintenance meditation will focus on bringing the theme of AUTONOMY to each of your 7 CHAKRAS. We’ll make sure each of your chakras is set free of negative energetic cords, limited programs or beliefs, and of course, we’ll check for any disfunction. We will super charge your power centers and bring them back into harmony to strengthen your field and your magnetism. Finally, we’ll bring in some extra Violet Flame to add an extra “VICTORY” to your BEingness. This will help you to clear the stagnation of being lost in procrastination, imperfection, less-than-ness, and can’t-get-a-head-ness. 


(As always, you are welcome to join for a single SMP program for $11 per evening, or for $33 for the entire Month of SMP.)


If you’re new to BEING U, I invite you to try a month of SMP as my FREE GIFT to you! It’s such a great way to get to know BEING U, to start a meditation practice or to compliment your already existing spiritual practice, and it would be my pleasure to welcome you to our community.

Please clink below to register for my gift to you! And while you’re at it, invite a friend or 100 to do the same! All are welcome, the gift is LIMITLESS!! (Remember you can attend Live or receive links to the recordings for your convenience.)


I will be offering our next Speaking with Spirit ONLINE on Thursday, JULY 3rd at 7pm, which also happens to be the Day before INDEPENDENCE DAY, and I have no doubt that the Violet themes will be abundant! Attendance is limited to 8 people in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides.

The registration fee is $44, and all registrations must be completed in advance by 6:30 pm on the day of the event. Spots fill up quickly so please register early. (This is a non-refundable event.)

This month, we have a powerful Cosmic Gateway coming up with the SIRIUS PORTAL on 7/7. There’s no better time to meditate than when the stars align, and this is a celestial powerhouse! In this meditation, we’ll receive attunements to the celestial healing Rays and new Light codes for personal growth and development.


I hope you’re ready for a new BEING U MASTERCLASS: “The Violet Flame Freedom Tour” with be a deep dive into advanced Violet Flame frequencies and will involve a number of lessons, meditations, and attunements from the Violet Flame Masters, Teachers, and Archangels. There are powerful transmutational activities taking place on the planet, and everyone who wishes to join in the spiritual plan unfolding is being initiated into unprecedented levels of Freedom’s Violet Flame at this time and it will be my pleasure to facilitate this process across a 3-Part Series which will be held on Thursdays, July 11, 18, 26 for $111 per person. I look forward to discovering what you wish to get free of and to creating the best version of you yet! Get Free from DRAMA, Free from LACK, and Free from FEAR, and BEcome FREE to LIVE & LOVE & SHINE!


With all my heart, I LOVE YOU, as you are BeUtiful BEing. I respect your FREEDOM to BE YOU and I am honored to stand with you, in one LOVE, in one Light, with spiritual FREEDOM and AUTONOMY for all.



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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Lee Ann Somers’ June 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy June!


My heart is already full and overflowing with emotions as we enter the heart of Summer,

the season of Love and Joy, and the warm hearth and home of my birth sign, Cancer.


While the astrological reports for the month seem pretty light-hearted and carefree across the board, I caution you to remember the full power of the Summer Solstice that lands on June 20th. It’s bold and supercharged velocity may sneak up on you if you’re not paying energetic attention to what you are holding in your BEingness. If you don’t properly manage, qualify, and use the energy to your benefit, it can easily make you feel like there’s too much fullness in your emotions, in your energetics, or even in your momentum. It might stress you out or negatively affect your mood or sleep. This is why I AM offering a special Summer Solstice Meditation evening event on Zoom on Thursday, June 20th at 7:30 pm Eastern.


In order to help you benefit from the Solstice’s power rather that burn out from its intensity, I will be offering a 1-Day Intensive on Saturday, June 22nd (from 11am-4pm EDT) to facilitate your Summer Solstice Integration. This will be an In-Person AND Zoom event so everyone can participate, and I am so looking forward to investing this wonderful energy with you into your field of Life!


In this Intensive, you will experience a number of channeled guided meditations and participate in spiritual practices through which our friends in Spirit will guide you to qualify all the extra Solstice energy mindfully and purposefully. Then, we’ll distribute it accordingly to create powerful solutions, open doors for opportunities, to manifest healings, to energize your relationships, and we’ll even send it through time and space spreading it out into your field to build new energetic grids, new spiritual networks, new shields and portals…all for your highest and best potential to be fully realized! We will intentionally use every bit of this abundant chi to create your blessings and benefits for the year to come. The massive quantity of positive vibes is yours to do with as you wish, and the possibilities are LIMITLESS!


Date: Saturday, June 22nd

Time: 11 am – 4 pm Eastern

Fee: $77 per person

Location: Live In-Person and on Zoom.

(The exact location will be announced as we get closer to the date for those who will attend in person, but this will be held around the Dania Beach/Hollywood Florida area.)

BONUS: If you register for the Summer Solstice Integration by 7 pm Eastern on Thursday, June 20th, you get to attend my Summer Solstice Meditation on Thursday, June 20th for FREE.


As a matter of fact, that’s our BEING U theme for JUNE: “BE LIMITLESS!”


Join me as we explore this theme in our Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka SMP) on Monday nights at 7pm Eastern. Each week SMP aims to contribute to your spiritual practices with powerful guided meditations, channeled messages from our Guides in Spirit, and loads of BeUtiful Alchemy from the 7 Rays to optimize your Life experience. You can choose to join for a single program for $11 per evening or for $33 for the entire Month of SMP.



I really believe that SMP is a valuable spiritual resource for all, not only in the sense that it keeps us in-tune to the energetics of the NOW, but also because it powerfully unites our Lightworker tribe into more synchronistic flow, deeper energetic support, and it attunes us week by week to higher transmutational activity and a greater collective abundance. Together we brighten up the world one meditation at a time! Because of this, I am on a mission to expand our SMP community, and therefore the range of our Love & Light to serve even more. I welcome anyone who hasn’t tried SMP to join me for a FREE MONTH to try it out.
Please clink below to register for my gift to you! And while you’re at it, invite a friend or 100 to do the same! All are welcome, the gift is LIMITLESS!!
(Remember you can attend Live or receive links to the recordings for your convenience.)


Here’s a peek at what’s to come in our BEING U Spiritual Maintenance Plan (SMP) for June:


Week 1 – Monday, June 3rd – Healing with The Archangels

The Archangels are truly LIMITLESS BEings of Love and Light! In tonight’s meditation we will work with the Archangel Jophiel of the Yellow Ray to expand your LIMITLESS Luminosity, Archangel Raphael from the Green Ray to magnify your LIMITLESS Self-Worth and Value, and Archangel Michael of the Blue Ray to set free your LIMITLESS Strength! I won’t be too surprised if a few more of their Archangelic friends show up to also to unlock even more of your LIMITLESSNESS! 


Week 2 – Monday, June 10th – Messages from the Masters

Join me for a BeUtiful evening with the Ascended Masters and Teachers on the topic of BEing LIMITLESS. Tonight’s program will include group messages, meditations, and healings from a number of Masters and Teachers to help you identify what’s blocking you from unfolding in a particular area of life, how to realize your full potential, and to create masterful solutions to achieving your greatness.

(Please plan for a longer than usual program this evening so all of the Master have time to share their wisdom and activations with you.)


Week 3 – Monday, June 17th – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

It’s time to do some ALCHEMY! The Violet Flame of Freedom, Justice, and Liberation is our host for this evening’s transmutational activity of Light. Let Freedom’s Flame blaze you into a new level of LIMITLESS spiritual connection, creative intelligence, and spiritual authority! As is always to the case when we call upon the Violet Flame, the possibilities are endless and a blessing for all the world. I thank you in advance for joining this class to open the Violet channel of your BEing for a global blessing initiative in addition to all that you will receive for yourSelf. 


Week 4 – Monday, June 24th – Energetic Maintenance

Tonight’s SMP program comes on the tail end of the SUMMER SOLSTICE vibrations and tonight’s meditation with CLEAR THE FIELD! There is so much that we have experienced cosmically and personally in the last few months that we need to do a little maintenance to release the last influences of what you’ve been up to in Spirit and to lay the foundation for a BeUtiful reset moving forward. Whatever you have been working in the last few months to get “out of your system” whether accidentally, intentionally, karmically or even unconsciously that has left you feeling drained, depressed, depleted, and heavy, are going to be alleviated tonight! It’s time to CLEAR THE FIELD so you can get on with BEing YOU!!


I want to remind you of something very important…YOUR LOVE IS POWERFUL!


When you aim your LOVE, you energize and bless the target of your loving attention and anything can happen when your loving Spirit Flows there!!



My birthday wish is that each and every one of you feels the full power of your own LOVE. Turn your heart in YOUR direction. See your Light, not your flaws! Trust your pure, innocent, harmless Power. Know that you are a channel for That which flows perfectly, generously, and LIMITLESSLY through you. Know that that Flow is Good and Kind and Loving, that It wants to bless and hold and heal you, that It never abandons you, and that It IS YOU.


With all my heart, I aim my LOVE at YOU, BeUtiful BEing that YOU are.

I see YOU. I Love you.



Lee Ann Somers


PS. Mark your calendars for some very special events in JULY and AUGUST….


I will be offering our next Speaking with Spirit ONLINE on Thursday, JULY 3rd at 7pm, which also happens to be the Day before INDEPENDENCE DAY! Attendance is limited to 8 people in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides. Reservations must be completed in advance. Spots fill up quickly so please register early.
(This is a non-refundable event.)


We also have 2 powerful Cosmic Gateways coming up: the SIRIUS PORTAL on 7/7 and the LION’s GATEWAY on 8/8. I will be offering meditations online for both events!


And lastly, our next BEING U MASTERCLASS: “The Violet Flame Freedom Tour” with be a deep dive into advanced Violet Flame frequencies and will involve a number of lessons, meditations, and attunements from the Violet Flame Masters, Teachers, and Archangels. There are powerful transmutational activities taking place on the planet at this time, and everyone who wishes to join in the spiritual plan unfolding is being initiated into unprecedented levels of Freedom’s Violet Flame at this time and it will be my pleasure to facilitate this process across a 3-Part Series which will be held on Thursdays, July 11, 18, and 26 for $111 per person.

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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

May 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful Beings, and Happy May!

I am arriving into May with my cosmic toes barely on the ground and feeling grateful to have made it through the whirlwind of energies of April. Wow! What a super charged and active month we’ve had! I bet you are all looking forward to a little gentler pace and some healthy, grounding, nourishing vibes which May will be packed with. Thank you God/Spirit/Source. 

I’ve had so many people ask me lately what’s going on with them, with people, with the Universe, and I’ve been sharing the messages from my team in Spirit that a powerful shift has been taking place both on the individual level and in the grand collective. We have literally been changing in the deepest and most profound ways into a new state of spiritual authority (our major theme for 2024) and into a new relationship to our SELF. True Self. Higher SELF.

Much of this transformation to date has occurred in the higher-Self astral planes and has barely entered the conscious awareness planes, so if you’ve been feeling the “things” but not really knowing what you’re up to, trust me when I say, you’re right where you need to be.

May is all about grounding that upper-level transformation into the real world and the answer will come not only in the form of understanding and awareness but also in the field of experience. In other words, watch your life to see what your new BEingness is creating. New initiatives will come alive, new empowered feelings will be expressive, and your senses will be heightened and more sensitive in all the right ways to direct you intuitively in the right directions. You should also start seeing signs of your BeUtiful BEingness attracting experiences to support your growth, and as your increasing creative power expresses itself, don’t be surprised if fabulous opportunities manifest, and if action is called for.

As a matter of fact, that’s our BEING U theme for May: “BE in Action. ACTIVATE YOU!”

I believe an extra dose of Trust (in your new power) and Faith (that all is Love) will go a long way this month to ground your spiritual authority into your human BEingness and into your ACTIONS, so I am asking for extra BLUE and PINK RAY blessings to be dispensed to you generously.

As you face the NEW, BE bold! Take a deep breath, then take the leap of Faith and know that LOVE will catch you. This might mean having serious heart to heart conversations to be seen by others in your truth or to finally say what’s been brewing in your heart. You might have outer changes to make to match your new vibes, letting go old what no longer serves you and calling in that which does. You might also have deep cravings for peace, meditation, silence, space, and all self-loving things to nourish and ground your higher vibes into your physical beingness, so be sure to honor that pull from within too.

I welcome you to join me for our BEING U monthly programs where we will explore the many facets of this topic beginning with Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka SMP) on Monday nights at 7pm EST. Each week we will delve into spiritual practices with guided meditations, messages, and energetics to help you find your new center, to support you with the Healing Rays, and to offer you some extra guidance and clarity from our team in Spirit.

Week 1 – Monday, May 6th – Healing with The Archangels

The Archangels would love to help you work with your Higher Self to download, ground, integrate, and activate all the energies you’ve been perfecting on the higher planes into the 3D.   This evening’s recalibration meditation will be hosted by the Archangels METATRON and GABRIEL, and they will add their Love, Light, and special talents to help you reshape and bless your life.

Week 2 – Monday, May 13th – Messages from the Masters

Join me for a BeUtiful evening with the Ascended Masters and Teachers on the topic of BEing ACTIVATED. Tonight’s program will include messages from each one of the Chohans from the 7 Rays, including El Morya (Blue Ray), Lord Lanto (Yellow Ray), Paul the Venetian (Pink Ray), Serapis Bey (White Ray), Hilarion (Green Ray), Lady Nada (Golden Ruby Ray), and St. Germain (Violet Ray), who will each ACTIVATE something for you and speak to the group about the follow up actions to take in order to move towards your living Mastery. (Please plan for a longer than usual program this evening so all of the Masters have time to share their wisdom with the group.)

Week 3 – Monday, May 20th – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

I absolutely love our Alchemy nights! This SMP program is our chance to open the 7 BeUtiful Channels to our Spiritual power in order to resupply our energetics with all the Source substance that we need to flow more effortlessly in our lives. It gives us a chance to upload no longer necessary content that we’ve been holding onto energetically, and to download and assimilate the new and necessary vibes for the month ahead. Join me for a 7 Rays attunement meditation to get right with the Universe of YOU, and to tap into the VIOLET FLAME directives blazing and transmuting throughout the world with now.

Week 4 – Monday, May 27th – Energetic Maintenance

For tonight’s BeUtiful meditation practice, I will guide you through a technique for grounding that is simple and powerful to root you into NOW, and we will also troubleshoot layers of disconnection and resistance to the field of manifestation to clear any blockages between you and your creative field so your BIG BEAUTIFUL LIGHT can shine, flow, and create more effectively and magically! PS. We’ll be building a VIOLET FLAME matrix in your lifeforce field to “HOLD & ACTIVATE” your spiritual dreams in this reality.

I am also honored to be speaking at the Soul Connection monthly gathering hosted by Shari Hembree on Tuesday, May 14th in West Palm Beach from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. This is a monthly meeting of Connection, Community, and Creation where I will be facilitating a 7 Healing Ray meditation. The cost is $25 pre-paid, which includes food and valet.

I will be offering Speaking with Spirit this month LIVE AND IN PERSON in Dania Beach, FL on Thursday, May 23th at 7pm, which also happens to be the Full Moon in May! We’ll open with a meditation followed by an intimate conversation with your angels, guides, masters and teachers that I will be channeling between you and them. It always amazes me how healing and loving the messages are during Speaking with Spirit, as well as how they always seem to reveal a unity thread within the group’s energy as a collective topic which is unique every time. If you’ve never been to SWS, this might be the time for you to give it a try! Attendance is limited to 8 people in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides. Reservations must be completed in advance. Spots fill up quickly so please register early.

Lastly, I have been asked by my Guardian Archangel, Aurora, to host a special event on Saturday, May 25th, and I warmly welcome everyone to attend “A GRACEFUL GATHERING”.

A Graceful Gathering will be an Emergence style program which means this is a day to flow energetically in a pure and natural way and to experience an emergence of Self that cannot be planned or forced, but which, when held properly in Loving Intention and Grace, can BE set free and allowed to flourish. What emerges is yours to discover! This will be a day to share in spiritual activities, enjoy conscious creativity, intuitive journaling, building sacred space and cultivating friendship, and as always, we’ll meditate and Alchemize with the Rays! What will be unfolded will be directed by Aurora based on the group’s needs, and in harmony with the intention to ground gracefully into your NEW BEINGNESS, as well as to set the field so you can flow actionably in the direction of your dreams. I look forward to gathering with you Grace-fully and seeing what emerges!

Saturday, May 25th from 10:30am-3:30pm - $77 per person

(The exact location will be announced as we get closer to the date, but this will be held around the Dania Beach/Hollywood Florida area.)

My BeUtiful friends, I wish you an active and grounded month on May and I look forward to expressing the new YOU outwardly with you. Your unique Spirit is a gift to this world, and it is my honor to support your Divine expression and spiritual authority to unfold BeUtifully and Gracefully!

I send you my Love and Light All*Ways, Namaste, and thanks for BEing YOU!

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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

April 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy April!

Welcome to the season of change, emergence, and new beginnings! After 5 weeks away in Thailand and Bali, I am happy to ground back into my South Florida home base and to reconnect with all of you! I had a wonderful time sharing all of my favorite Thai things with a beautiful group of BEings on our latest Retreat, and Bali…what can I say about Bali? It just moved my soul. It shifted me in a way I have yet to find words for. My new “center” feels vibrant, and it is blazing with this steady feeling of easy peace and easy power. I thought that plugging back into the routines of home would cause that “vacation buzz” to dissipate as it typically does, but to my joy, this feeling seems to be sticking around differently. It feels deeper, more natural, more alive, like a new BEingness. I’ve changed in some sweet way, and I trust that this is so right and so rightly timed with what’s going on energetically with the Universe right now.  


I would venture to bet I am not the only one shifting into something new. Spring is upon us in full splendor, and we are kicking off the Spring season with an incredibly powerful total Solar eclipse today, Monday April 8th, which is also the New Moon in Aries, the first sign in the new zodiac year, and we’ve been riding a wave of spiritual transformation that began on the Spring Equinox. This time of year always welcomes big changes, but somehow this year’s energy is even more special and magnanimous. It’s not only offering NEW BEGINNINGS, but also NEW BEINGNESS, and so that is our BEING U theme for the month of April, and I can’t wait to see what this month creates for you!


I welcome you to join me for our BEING U monthly programs where we will explore the many facets of this topic beginning with Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka SMP) on Monday nights at 7pm EST. Each week, we will delve into spiritual practices with guided meditations, messages and energetics to help you find your new center, to support you with the Healing Rays, and to offer you some extra guidance and clarity from our team in Spirit.


Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (APRIL 8)

Our host for this evening is the Archangel Uriel who is somewhat of an expert in my opinion about Self transformation as he is known as the Archangel of Resurrection and can fire up a new BEingness flame in even the toughest to crack Souls. He also promises to speak to us about the power of the Solar Eclipse/New Moon taking place this day and will assist us in maximizing the benefits of its auspicious energy in our meditation. 


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (APRIL 15)

Join me for a BeUtiful evening of healing, meditation, and group messages with the Ascended Masters and Teachers on the topic of NEW BEINGNESS. For this program I will be honored to channel for both our beloved St. Germain and his twin flame, Lady Portia, who is also known as the Goddess of Freedom, Justice and Opportunity. Together they will share insights about what is dismantling at this time, offer healing for the old SELF’s wounds and karmic records, and bring wisdom and clarity to what is arising within us in the NEW BEingness. They wish to speak on how to integrate and adjust to the new BEINGNESS that is birthing from within and give clues as to what’s possible moving forward as this new presence and power.


Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (APRIL 22)

Week 3 of SMP is always our chance to energetically regulate our Alchemy with the help of the 7 Rays, and this month we offer a BeUtiful guided meditation attunement from all 7 Flames. Each one of the Rays has a NEW “BIRTH”DAY gift for you to celebrate your NEW BEingness and to help you get comfortable with this increase in your vibration,  your expanded capacity to wield your Love and Light, and to help you settle into your new quality of BEING.


Week 4 – Energetic Maintenance (APRIL 29)

For tonight’s BeUtiful meditation practice I reserve the right to play it by ear. My guides are saying that whatever unfolds throughout the month energetically will determine our exact program and plan, but that will be revealed at a later time. So please forgive me for the lack of details at this time (I just work here), and feel free to join me for what is sure to be a “Spot-On!-My-Soul-Totally-Needed-Exactly-That” kind of meditation!


I welcome you to join me for a NEW 3-Part Masterclass Series on all things related to MANAGING ENERGY CORDS on Thursday Nights 7pm-9:30pm: April 25th, May 2nd, and May 9th.  I was in a conversation with my Guardian Archangel, Aurora, discussing cutting a cord for a client not too long ago, about which I asked her, “haven’t we already done this? Didn’t we already show this person how to do this?” To which she replied, “but have you REALLY shared what you know?” and just like that, we have a NEW MASTERCLASS!


To cut, or not to cut? That is the question….

But really there’s a million other things to know about cords and it’s not as simple as only those two options. What is an energy cord? How do they work? How do they get created/attached? Are there different kinds of cords? What can you do with them? Do they all need to get cut or should they be managed? How so? Are cords only between people or do we get cords to other things too? And on and on and on…..


This MASTERCLASS SERIES will give you the wisdom and tools to self-manage this part of your field with confidence and ease. I will help you fine tune your intuition and show you what to look for in your feelings and in your field to identify cords and track down their sources. I will teach you tools to energize certain connections with the help of your Rays, how to cut the ones that no longer serve you, and how to tell the difference between the two.  I will also show you how to block out those that won’t leave you alone and keep grabbing back on, as well as how to handle collective cords that build around a life theme, and even how to identify and clear karmic energy cords.


This MASTERCLASS is a gamechanger for those of you who are energetically sensitive, empathic and who just want to be unburdened from the heaviness, stagnation, and stressfulness of having too many cords in all the wrong places. As we demystify the subject of cords and offer you tools to feel confident, proactive, and safe in your energy, we put the power of your wellness back in to your hands and set your energy free to thrive and create in a whole different way. I look forward to sharing all my secrets with you!!


Lastly, I will be offering Speaking With Spirit this month VIRTUALLY so that all of my “not in South Florida” peeps can attend as I’ve been promising! Join me on Wednesday April 17th at 7pm for an opening meditation followed by an intimate dialog with your angels, guides, masters and teachers that I will be channeling between you and them. Despite being Virtual, attendance will still be limited to eight in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides, so please reserve your spot early.


My BeUtiful friends, I wish you a peaceful and loving month and I look forward with all my heart to witnessing your NEW BEingness blossoming in, through, and around you in magnificent ways. The Universe holds you in its magic and care, and you are beautiful, bountiful, and blessed!


I send you my Love and Light All*Ways, Namaste, and thanks for BEing YOU!

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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

February 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy February!

February is always a month to create and celebrate all things Love including the LOVE within you! Actually, I was thinking how perfect it would be if there was a word like NAMASTE, which we use to greet one another from the divine spark within us and to honor the Oneness of our Light, and technically encapsulates Love too, but when I looked up the word Love in Sanskrit, I found out there are about 267 words and phrases for Love, and in English we only have one! 


Each word holds different qualities, vibrations and meanings, and I am so jealous I might have to learn Sanskrit! LOL! Some of my favorites are Mamatma (maternal love), Priti (feminine Aspect of Love), Daya (sympathy/compassion), Karuna (spiritual longing), and of course Bhakti (devotion), and finally the one I’d like to devote our BEING U theme to this month: PREMA, which in Sanskrit means pure Universal Love, GOD/Source Love, and affection. Love that!!!

So, appropriately, I PREMA you! And, I PREMA-ingly welcome you to join me in this month’s Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka SMP) for a month-long journey into the layers and levels of spiritual LOVE and AFFECTION. Each week we compliment your spiritual practices with guided meditations, messages and healing energetics to open different gateways into your Soul, to energize you with the Rays, and to offer you some extra help from your Guides.


Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (FEBRUARY 5)

This evening we welcome the Archangels Chamuel and Charity to share some PREMA with us in a beautiful channeled guided meditation. They will affectionately open your heart to the healing energies of their Pink Ray and offer you their unconditional Love and creative power to bless you with more Love in your Life.


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (FEBRUARY 12)

Join me for a BeUtiful evening of meditation and messages from three amazing Ascended Master Teachers on the topic of PREMA. Our guides this evening will be Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, Lakshmi, the Goddess of Abundance and Good Fortune, and Lady Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. This evening, we will receive 3 group messages, one from each of them, on their unique interpretation, embodiment, and expression of Divine Love.


Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (FEBRUARY 19)

This is our Valentine to you!  Join us for a special guided 7 Ray Attunement Meditation and receive an extra benevolent outpouring of blessings, healing assistance, divine dispensations,  grace, contentment, victory, and Love of every kind as we celebrate PREMA in all its magnificent RAYS and ways!


Week 4 – Energetic Maintenance (FEBRUARY 26)

Tonight’s BeUtiful meditation practice incorporates a few of my favorite chants to open the heart and to spark the Spiritual flames of PREMA, as well as a heart chakra healing, aura repairing, karmic Love history clearing transmutational meditation! 


I look forward to sharing my PREMA with you, and with our friends in Spirit!


Namaste my BeUtiful friends and thanks for BEing YOU!
Lee Ann Somers


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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

November 2023 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings, and Happy NOVEMBER!

My gratitude for you BEing in this world is overflowing!!

Let me begin by hitting the nail on the head from the get go…..

I am sure you’ve been as shaken to the core about worldly events unfolding across the globe last month as am I, and I, like you, really do want WORLD PEACE! It’s extremely challenging to be the voice of optimism in a world that seems to be struggling with peace and harmony more than ever, but we need to hold the LIGHT of Hope, Healing, and Oneness for all. So much more of God’s Love and Light still needs to channel down to the Earth and into the hearts and minds and beingness of all humankind in order to manifest a lasting “Heaven on Earth” (our BEING U theme from last month), but that’s the mission. No one said it would be easy; they just said, “Your Love is POWERFUL! Go BE YOU!” 

I encourage you not to lose sight of your LIGHT, THE Light, and the goodness in this world, including you! Keep shining bright! Send your Rays of transmutational Love into conflict and disasters. Don’t shy away or feel impotent. You’re so important! If you have to cry, cry. If you’re angry, be angry. If your empathy goes into overdrive, clear your empathic shield with Archangel Raphael’s Emerald Green Ray, then get back to praying, breathing, empowering, grounding, visualizing, affirming, resting, communing, and creating the Divine Plan here on Earth and just keep doing YOU!

I see in you so much strength and beauty, and I am LIT all over again.  My Love for you is all that I need to remember to keep blazing brightly, to charge forward knowing that every positive thing we create contributes to the whole world’s healing, and I breathe easier knowing that I am not alone in the vision of higher potentiality being realized day by day as we continue to transmute and improve our human BEINGNESS and our togetherness.

In the Spirit of upping my “BE EXTRA SHINY” initiative, I have created a number of ways for us to “SPREAD THE LOVE AND LIGHT” this month, our BEING U theme for November.

Check out all the ways to SPREAD YOUR LOVE AND LIGHT this month at BEING U:

Introducing, drum roll please… a brand-new MASTERCLASS SERIES called “HEALING SCARCITY”!

Join me for this very special healing series to transmute SCARCITY! On the path to abundance, personal freedom, and the fullest expression of creative power we, the Lightworkers of the world, often times hit blockages, interference and even karmic debris that seriously slows down our momentum and results in a scarcity mentality, emotional depletion, and lifelessness.

It's time to transmute all that business and get on with accepting our full creative power and potential!

This 3-Part Masterclass is inspired by 2 big influences.
1) I AM on a “Claim-Our-Creative-Authority Mission” as we head into 2024 and the “Create Your Life Conference” in February, and there’s no better way to kickstart our powerful creative than to dismantle the consciousness of scarcity that keeps us playing small, promotes lack and unworthiness, and blocks our creative flow; and 2) because of Golden Ruby Ray energetics that have been pumping into the atmosphere for weeks now to heal the root causes that are causing enormous conflicts in the world today.

Scarcity is a major topic for transmutation under the Golden Ruby Ray directives and specifically the transmutational effort for scarcity at a global level is headquartered in the temple that hovers in the etheric planes over the city of Jerusalem in the Middle East, go figure. Archangels Uriel and Aurora and in partnership with the Violet Ray team invite us to help transmute, transmute, transmute three major themes:  Scarcity of Love, Scarcity of Abundance, and the Scarcity of God on the personal and collective levels in this series. Let this self-healing work be our contribution to the healing of the world. With the help of this devoted and amazing team in Spirit, this Masterclass will truly be a blessing for all. You really do not want to miss out on this series – or else you’d be in scarcity, LOL.

Next, we’ve got an 11:11 GRIDS AND GALAXYS Meditation on 11/11 my favorite day to meditate and go Galactic – LIVE and IN PERSON!!!! Weather permitting, I’ll meet you under the stars and on the beach for this BeUtiful experience. While the beach is quite infinite, my headsets are limited to 28 attendees, so pre-registration is required for this event.

Also, we get to enjoy one more chance to share space and Spirit, always one of my favorites – SPEAKING WITH SPIRIT on November 30th – Again, LIVE AND IN PERSON!! The weather is stunning and we’ll be gathering under the stars for this one, poolside, weather permitting, of course. Pre-registration is required for SWS as seating is limited to 10 attendees, so make sure to sign up early to save your space.

And last, but never least, is our beloved SMP, aka Spiritual Maintenance Plan – an awesome way to hone your spiritual skills and restore your energy week by week on Monday nights on ZOOM. Here’s a glimpse at what is to come….

Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (OCTOBER 30)

Tonight, we get to SPREAD THE LOVE AND LIGHT with our friends the Archangels around the world, but of course, we’re going to take care of your needs first. The Archangels Uriel and Chamuel will be our guides for this meditation and they are adamant about restoring our power to Love and to spread Light. The urgency to expand our self-confidence in this manner is of their utmost concern and together they plan on getting our Spiritual power back online. “For anyone who has been feeling heavy hearted, who can’t stop complaining that the glass is half empty, or who has been weighed down by Life so to speak, this one is for you! For everyone else, this one’s for you too!!” (Says Uriel while Chamuel full belly laughs at his attempt to be sweet…LOL)

Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (NOVEMBER 6)

The Ascended Masters and Teachers what to help you to “RECIEVE THE LOVE”. Everyone can open their channels to more love in all its beautiful aspects, attributes and qualities. For some, that requires knowledge, for others, worthiness or forgiveness, and for others, simply an opening of the heart. Our hosts for this evening’s program in Spirit will be Lady Nada Chohan of the Golden Ruby Ray, Master Teacher Lord Sananda aka Jesus, and beloved the Maha Chohan.

*Register by 6:55 pm on November 6, 2023 in order to receive a message.

Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (NOVEMBER 13)

Tonight’s 7 Rays energetic Attunement theme is “WILL to LOVE”, and we will be working with a few very special Secret Rays including the Indigo Blue Ray, the Opalescent Ray, the Golden Rainbow Ray, and Omega’s Pink Ray. Additionally, we will get to spend some time with our Cosmic friends, the mighty Elohim of creation who are Master creators and embodiers of this theme. We can certainly learn a lot about Loving from them. 

Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (NOVEMBER 27 – notice we skipped the week of Thanksgiving!)

Tonight’s Energetic Clearing meditation will be devoted to loving and healing the World. Together we will combine our LOVE and LIGHT with all of Spirit/Source/God/Universe to send our love to all in need and to hotspots around the globe. I invite everyone to join us this evening in love, prayer, and in peace for the world. Let’s LIGHT IT UP together!

My BeUtiful friends, with all my heart, thank you for BEing YOU!!

Thank you for sustaining hope, joy, perseverance, and goodness. Thank you for not falling into the propaganda of fear and hatred and for refusing to let us be separated and divided by anything less powerful than our Faith in each other and in what’s possible when we SPREAD LOVE AND LIGHT. Thank you for grounding yourself one more day into the highest and best of you and for channeling your light and healing rays wherever you shine. Thank you for your tears and your prayers and for your caring about all human beings and our beautiful home away from home. I love you with all my heart!

Namaste BeUtifuls, and Happy Thanksgiving!

With my LOVE and LIGHT,
Lee Ann Somers


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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

October 2023 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings, and Happy OCTOBER to you and yours!


I am back from vacation, feeling recharged and inspired, and I really hope that your summer has been as beauty*full as mine has been! After 4 amazing weeks in Tuscany, Italy, the South of France and Barcelona, Spain, I can definitively say that this trip was as close to Heaven on Earth as it gets for me, and I would like to invite you to share with me the concept of HEAVEN ON EARTH as our BEING U theme this month. 


At first, HEAVEN ON EARTH might seem more etheric than a physical reality, more a feeling than a place, a distant future rather than a now, an ideal rather than a reality, but what if it’s closer than it seems and more possible to experience in daily life than ever before? Earth’s Ascension process has been accelerating and as the vibes are getting higher and more grounded, heavenly experiences and good Karma are becoming distinctively tangible and more frequent.


On this trip, HEAVEN ON EARTH for me was eating the best pizza of my life in a little café in Rome and having street performers who were singing Opera start singing my favorite song as I turned around the corner, and it moved me to tears. HEAVEN was in the color of the Mediterranean Sea that I sat and meditated next to in Issambres, and it was in my late afternoons at the beach with Irène soaking up golden rays of sunlight followed by the perfect French Rosé on the terrace with my French David under the grape vines he planted last year.  HEAVEN was walking arm in arm with Jean-Pierre through his little village, La Brigue, as he told me stories about his life, the evolution of his village after the War and his potato farming passion.    


My soul was reminded what being in HEAVEN ON EARTH is like! Truth be told, there’s a part of me that comes to life in the Alchemy of Europe! My inner 16-year-old touches ground and immediately channels the vibes of freedom and self-discovery that I experienced for the first time when I was an exchange student in Belgium. Then, my adulting kicks in and that inner essence grows and grows with all the incredible love and nurturing I feel around my friends and family that I get to visit there. By the time I plug into the Pink Ray Château de Liberté Etheric Temple hovering in Spirit over the South of France, my Soul feels ALIVE and blissed out beyond belief…. truly HEAVENLY! I soaked it all up in every way possible, the beauty and the flavors, the scenery and the spritzes, and other than one Flamenco Show evening in Barcelona where absolutely nothing went right, I loved every minute of it!


The quintessence moment of feeling HEAVEN ON EARTH was on my last day in Barcelona when I got to visit the Sagrada Familia Basilica designed by the famous architect, Antoni Gaudi, and I was speechless and immensely moved while visiting the inside. It was as close to being in the etheric temples here on Earth as it gets! Gaudi’s Masterpiece looks and feels more like an homage to God’s infinite creativity than a church, but for me, the moment I stepped inside, HEAVEN AND EARTH were one. Too boot, in true Aurora’s graceful fashion, we got rerouted from our 10am reservation to 5:30pm, the perfect time to see the sunlight shining in through the Golden Ruby Ray colored stained glass windows and the sanctuary was bathed in my Rays. Gaudi’s vision was to create a bridge between Heaven and Earth and to unite the realms, and interestingly enough he knew that he couldn’t accomplish his vision with the technology of his age, but he had the foresight to see that those who came after him eventually would be able to. To ensure this, he completed the most complicated piece of the cathedral in his lifetime as a way to guarantee that his project would be continued by future generations, and to guide its completion, he built incredibly detailed models and diagrams for every inch that remained. It has only been in the last 20 years that the technology has existed to create what he envisioned and the Sagrada Familia is set for completion in 2026.


There is so much about Gaudi’s devotion that speaks to me as a Lightworker, including that he honored his ancestors/predecessor’s work and built upon it since he was the second to be commissioned, while still staying true to his unique vison. He believed in his mission and patiently spent 40 years of his life devoted to this project knowing that he’d never see it fully accomplished. He accepted that he was one amongst many in this creative process, and he knew that he had to put his trust and faith in others to complete his mission. I am sure he was at times overwhelmed by the daunting task he gave himself to represent all of Life and Spirit in his work, and yet he persevered. I admire his reverence for nature, and he studied God’s creative mastery in all her elements and sought to incorporated them all into his design. The entire space is built in such a way that it feels like standing at the foot of gigantic trees looking up to heaven above while the light from above shines down on you. Lastly, he had the courage to defy every one of the accepted norms of the Catholic Church’s traditional design, and his innovation even broke the rules of architecture to make it happen.


Thank you for letting me share the many marvels in my heart. I don’t mean to go on and on, but I realize I could list 10,000 other Heaven on Earth-isms! They’re everywhere! For you too!! Look around and see God and Love and Light everywhere. Get present to the Beauty, the Hope, the Community of Beings you’ve gathered to you, the momentum of your dreams is coming to fruition, and the Spirit of YOU is embodying her qualities in your LIFE!!


I can’t wait to see what HEAVEN ON EARTH means for you, so I have built this theme into our programs starting with our BEING U Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka: SMP).  Enjoy 4 weeks of spiritual guidance, energetic practices, meditations and messages to help you tune into and to create more HEAVEN ON EARTH.


Here’s a peek at what is to come….


Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (OCTOBER 2)

Our BeUtiful Archangelic friends know a thing or two about being Heavenly on Earth as they serve as a bridge between the Spirit and the Physical. They also know how much you desire more divine access, increased communication to higher beings, improved awareness of Godliness in the mundane, and deeper integration with your own true SELF. In tonight’s healing meditation, the Archangels will remove the veils of separation between Heaven and Earth for you on all these levels and open up your gateways to HEAVEN ON EARTH, and our host for this will be ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL of the Yellow Ray.


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (OCTOBER 9)

Join me for a wonderful evening of Meditation and personalized messages from the Masters about how you can create Heaven on Earth and what exactly that means for you. Our hosts for this program will be Beloved Saint Germain, Master Serapis Bey, and World Teacher Kuthumi. They will speak on the Divine Plan Unfolding, your role in the collective, and how to create more personal Joy and Liberation to support the upliftment of Humanity to create Heaven on Earth for you and for all.

*Register by 6:55 pm on OCTOBER 9th in order to receive your message.



Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (OCTOBER 16)

Tonight’s energetic Attunement from the Rays will expand your relationship to your personal Life field in order to really plug you in to your creative forcefield, and to give you creative authority over your experience in this Life. This is YOUR Life to create as you wish and yet there are often times blockages to manifesting that which you truly desire, and some clearing work is required. All the 7 Rays will be working with you tonight, but we will also receive a special dispensation from the VIOLET FLAME for SELF AUTHORITY.


Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (OCTOBER 23)

Have you noticed that since the AUTUMN EQUINOX that there has been a huge wave of Solar Plexus and SACRAL chakra clearing taking place and that deep emotions are coming up especially around the themes of insufficiency (not enoughness) and injustice? This is the result of a transmutational process that has been triggered by the energies downloading on the planet to ultimately create more SELF BALANCE, LOVE and PEACE, a little bit more of a heavenly relationship to SELF and harmony with others. Tonight’s energetic clearing will help you to understand what the divine initiative is right now and to support you in a graceful way to move through the processing and integration.  


My BeUtiful friends, I can’t wait to share a little piece (or a big one) of HEAVEN ON EARTH with you!! You are all a piece of HEAVEN ON EARTH for me, and I will forever be grateful to you for BEING YOU! 


Namaste BeUtifuls, and so much Love (and spiritual Rosé) to you all!!!!


With all my heart,

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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

August 2023 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy AUGUST!


My heart is bursting with anticipation and joy at all the good stuff coming up for me this month, and I can’t wait to hear what joyful news is on the agenda for you too! In 2 days, OMG 2 days, I will have not one, but TWO, brand new fur babies coming home with me and after 6 weeks of impatience. I cannot wait to love, love, love on them!!! Then, I will be heading across the pond to Europe for 4 weeks of road tripping through Tuscan, eating all the French baguettes I can handle, visiting with family and friends I haven’t seen since before COVID, and what is sure to be, starting a new love affair with beautiful Barcelona. Did I mention, my heart is bursting with joy? I keep saying to myself, “Stay grounded, Lee Ann” to which some other part of me is laughing hysterically at and saying, “Yeah, good luck with that!”


I bet that your joy is running high too! In honor of that, and just because my heart is so full of happy, I am declaring that our BEING U theme for the month of August is “THE GOOD STUFF”!


We have been swimming in high vibrational energy since the Summer Solstice. That, coupled with all the transformational spiritual clearing opportunities the Universe gave us in July, has made room for your mindful intentions and creative power to manifest “THE GOOD STUFF” all around you. Actually, this GOOD STUFF is more than 3 years in the making, and we’re now reaping what we’ve sown from that far back!


It’s not always easy to look back over 3+ years to gain perspective on what your soul has been up to, but fortunately for me, I have Aurora, my Guardian Archangel, to help me keep track of these things. I asked the Universe way back then to up level me with in 2 major themes in my life – LOVE and GRACE. Under these titles, I prayed for more ease, more happiness, more connection to Source, more access to abundance, more love of every kind. I asked for this both personally and collectively for all that I love (aka my peeps), that includes you – even if I didn’t know you back then. Then the deep dive happened, and I was thrust into “doing my part” while the Universe did its part. I began transmuting what needed to be burned off in the Rays little by little to put in my own energetic investment. (We always have to do our 1% so the Universe can do the rest.) You can image with an ask this big, that I’ve been hard at work ever since, and then finally this Spring, hope, breakthroughs, and blessings.


I felt a shift, as I always do when enough has been transmuted. It’s a deep awareness that I’m crossing over an invisible line and moving from the work of clearing the shadows / karma / resistance to doing a new job – energizing the positive, holding the vision, building the new muscles/grids/consciousness, opening the channels more to receiving, and then gaining momentum, strength, and power towards permanence.


I can’t help but roll my eyes just a bit when I hear people say I am going to manifest this or that just by affirming something 3 times. I don’t deny that that works once or twice magically and miraculously to give you a taste of Divine partnership, but for something to stick and to cultivate into permanence, it takes work! Used to be you had to do your 100%, then 10% after the Harmonic Convergence, now with new Aquarian Age dispensations being handed out like candy from the Universe to all who sincerely ask and who have the spiritual muscles to receive it, there’s much less work than ever before, but 1% of your karma on any particular topic is still definitely work! Yes, all of this is energetic work by the way, and with such a big ask, you can bet I have put in the hours. Note-to-Self for all of you up to this spiritual ascending work, don’t give up!! Don’t lose Faith in yourself or in the Universe or in your ask!! It’s working its way to you as fast as it can. Keep doing your part, and you’ll get the GOOD STUFF.


This is where I believe with all my heart that we find ourselves NOW. We are at the beginning of a NEW spiritual integration level where we can start living in the REAL Presence / Awareness / Experience of LOVE and GRACE, ABUNDANCE and BLESSINGS, JOY and HAPPINESS --- THE GOOD STUFF.

Let’s jump into this theme in our Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka SMP) which because of my travels and time zones, will be a bit unusual in the scheduling.  The first 2 weeks of SMP are in August, and the last 2 weeks will be towards the end of September. Dates are noted below for 4 weeks of fabulous content, guidance, practices, and messages to help you tune in to your GOOD STUFF.


Here’s what to come….


Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (AUGUST 7)

Tonight’s SMP is all about the LIONS GATE PORTAL! I know we’re a day early, but the energies are already gearing up, so I welcome you to join me and our Archangelic friends for a celestial meditation to activate your Lion’s Gate potential.  This portal is a potent spiritual gateway to amplify your abundance, power, and all THE GOOD STUFF, and I hope you will join us!


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (AUGUST 14)

The Ascended Masters and Teachers welcome you to join us for a beautiful meditation and conversation with them about the topic, THE GOOD STUFF. What do they see as the good in the world today? What does it mean to them personally? What advice can they give to us to create or increase the good stuff in our lives? Perhaps they’ll reveal some secrets on how to turn goodness into actual stuff. Tonight’s program will be an invitation to the Masters to channel messages to our group on whatever they deem necessary for us, and allowing for time, we will receive channeled group messages from as many Masters as possible on the topic.


Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (SEPTEMBER 18)

Now it is time for some of the Ruby Ray’s GOOD STUFF! I was gifted with a powerful affirmation from Archangel Aurora this week that I would like to share with all of you, as well as to ask her and the team from the Golden Ruby Ray to Attune us to its highest Truth and Divine Essence. The affirmation is: “I AM Embodied, Emboldened, Emblazoned, and Energized with God’s Glory, Victory, and Grace, I AM!”


Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (SEPTEMBER 25)

Tonight’s Energetic Clearing meditation will be about activating your sacred contracts for THE GOOD STUFF! Join me for a BeUtiful meditation to Activate your soul contract and Source codes for great Love, Happiness, Abundance, Empowerment, Healing, Hope, Self-Worth, Wealth, Upgrades, Ascension, and basically all the good stuff that your heart truly desires and wishes to manifest in this lifetime!

My BeUtiful friends, I can’t wait to share THE GOOD STUFF with you and to help you ground into the highest YOU and the best LIFE possible!  

Namaste, and thanks for BEing YOU!!!!

With all my heart,

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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

July 2023 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy JULY!

I know that our theme for last month was ABUNDANCE, but I just can’t believe all that has happened since writing to you last! I am officially a year older. I have visited 2 new places I have never been to before. With a little help as my birthday gift from David, I also created my new favorite sacred space in my garden. And lastly, I have just met the soon-to-be-next love of my life, a mini baby Sheltie that we named Gracie…she’s not big enough to come home yet but pics to follow soon.

Honestly though, none of that excitement holds a candle to what’s going on in the Quantum field! This Summer Solstice has kicked my spiritual behind, and I feel like this Solstice we have been given a 50 times dose of a spiritual to-download list compared to most years, and I am deeply aware that the massive waves of energetic transference of new frequencies and higher consciousness are going to take us a lot longer to understand and to integrate than normal.

Despite having pretty strong spiritual muscles and working them relentlessly to integrate all that I have been receiving, I quickly realized that I was overwhelmed and wouldn’t make a dent, let alone gain clarity, without some divine assistance.  So, when I asked my team in Spirit for some insight about what in the ever-loving Universe was going on and why I was having such a hard time grounding the downloads, they simply said, “It’s not just a Solstice, you’re going through an Ascension process.” I had an immediate Soul level recognition of the depth and breadth of the meaning of this Solstice shift, and all my bells and whistles started to go off in my chakras, as I said, “Well that that explains it!”

What exactly that means on a personal level, I am still discovering, but I am dedicating this month’s BEING U programs to the theme of TRANSFORMATION so that I can find out more with all of you!

Every part of me is experiencing this extra ascension energy, in fact even my bones are feeling the demand for transformation and change. I feel it in my joints, in my eyesight, in my breath, it’s so tangible and palpable in every part of me, and I am sure you do too. If you, like me, are experiencing “weird stuff” going on in you that you can’t quite put your finger on, including new moods about random things, weird cravings and I don’t mean just for food, and even more weird not-here-but-here things, please know that you are not alone. You’re not crazy, you’re just transforming!

And so, my BeUtiful friends, I will be sharing with you all that I have been receiving and understanding about this Ascension opportunity and helping you to facilitate your own integration, transmutation, and transformational shift in our programs this month. I might not have all the answers, but I can promise that we’ll have more fun doing this together!

The fun begins tonight with Spiritual Maintenance Program (aka SMP)… 4 weeks of fabulous content, guidance, practices, and messages to help you tune in to your BeUtiful Ascending SELF. Here’s what to come….

Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (JULY 10)
Join me for a beautiful meditation experience as we call upon two Archangel powerhouses for some Ascension assistance and to support us in grounding and stabilizing our Lightbody systems into the energetics that we are currently activating. We welcome the Archangelic guru of transformation, ARCHANGEL METATRON, who will “oversee your transformation with the utmost care and compassion while making sure you don’t cheat yourself out of the rewards of courageous integration” (his words not mine) and Beloved ARCHANGEL MICHAEL who is overseeing the Throat Chakra overhaul that is anchoring in new waves of personal power and creative freedom. (A quick request from Metatron, please be well hydrated before we begin tonight.)


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (JULY 17)
Tonight, we call upon the Ascended Masters and Teachers to shed some Light on what Ascension truly means, not just in the esoteric sense, but in the very personal and individual sense for you, right now. Enjoy a beautiful masterful meditation and then receive one-on-one guidance from your spiritual mentors on what you’re up to transforming within yourSELF at this time and how to go about this change in the most masterful way possible.   

 *Register by 6:55 pm on JULY 17th in order to receive your message.


Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (JULY 24)
Last month’s Alchemy night introduced a Goddess Level 7 Ray Crown Activation which still blows my mind, and so I’ve decided to follow that up with a 7 GODDESS RAYS, 7 GODDESS CHAKRAS Meditation to integrate the Divine Feminine force into and through each one of our power centers. This should promote one of the major themes going on in the Universe right now which is to increase access to and to build trust in the Divine Feminine Source energies and to become a channel for that Love and Light.


Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (JULY 31)
It has come to my attention that another major initiative being facilitated thanks to this Summer Solstice’s downloads has been to open new channels of connection, abundance, and blessings between the human field and the planetary grids, so in tonight’s energetic clearing meditation, we will be working through your I AM presence field and through the Earth Star Chakra to clear the path for this transformation as well as create some guidance on what this means to your manifesting abilities and responsibilities.

My BeUtiful friends, I send you all my Love and Light and best wishes for an easy but deeply transformational, Self-actualizing, Ascension month!!  

Namaste, and thanks for BEing YOU!!!!

With all my heart,

Lee Ann Somers



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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Lee Ann Somers’ June 2023 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy JUNE!


I have two major reasons to love June. First, it’s my birthday this month, and secondly, we get to celebrate the Summer Solstice (on June 21st)! I was technically not supposed to be a Cancer baby, but my twin sister decided we should show up a few months early to the party, and we made our grand entrance on the 28th. Honestly, June is always a very happy vibing month. The energies are running fast, hot, and playful with all the extra cosmic Solstice energy pumping into our planet. I find that with all this extra energy, people who have an outlet where to channel it do extremely well, but that those who are not in creative mood might feel overwhelmed by the fires. It’s best to keep busy, watch your temper, and other people’s too. Be patient and forgiving as most people don’t know they’re all jacked up by cosmic forces beyond their control.  Take this raw power and convert it into motivation, passion, extroversion, movement, creative projects, new careers, extra prayers, self-healing practices, and find somewhere or something to use this energy for. You will have extra supply and support energetically, so now is the time to go BIG if you wish and in any way you wish, and there’s plenty to go around, so you don’t have to share as much as usual, they’ll all have their own source.


Think of this month’s energy as what it truly is, ABUNDANCE!


Invite your Life and Spiritual practices this month to be an exploration of Abundance.  Energy is just energy until it is qualified, and YOU are the one who gives the energy it’s patterns and vibration. Be intentional in HOW you imprint all this extra energy, and be aware that there is A LOT of it!! Notice how the quantity feels to you. Watch how you react to the Abundance. Does it feel like a gift from the Universe or a curse? What you believe you will receive. Be aware of subtle resistances and invite them to transmute from the source of them. Can you allow the pressure that the extra energy creates to feel loving and nurturing, or does it feel imposing and overwhelming?


Everyone reacts to Abundance differently, so it might feel more feminine and sacred. It might push up old behaviors, habits, addictions, and desires. What aspect of your Life is affected most? Perhaps, career/success or relationships or hearth and home, for example. Consider that how you react this month to the Solstice’s abundant energy may be a mirror of how you behave towards abundance in general, and know that this is an opportunity to embrace MORE! More blessings, more energy, more happiness, more goodness, more YOUness!!


I AM choosing to channel some of this BeUtiful energy to create better relationships with the Divine Feminine this month and to my Higher Goddess Self, and to that goal, and in the Spirit of Abundance, I have drawn 4 cards for us from my new Goddess Power Deck (that I am obsessed with) as inspiration for this month’s SMP topics:


Here's what’s to come in this month’s Spiritual Maintenance Program (aka SMP)…


Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (JUNE 5)

Tonight’s Archangel program is inspired by the Goddess Card for the Greek goddess “HERA” and the message on her card is ALLIANCE. The Archangels would very much like to create a better alliance with you personally, as well as to assist you to break any unhealthy alliances you may hold, and finally, they wish to bless you with a new alliance that could benefit your goals at this time. I look forward to sharing with you a BeUtiful meditation and messages from your Archangels.


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (JUNE 12)

Our Ascended Master and Teacher friends have chosen tonight’s theme based on the Goddess Card “BRANWEN” the Celtic goddess whose message on her card is FORGIVENESS. Bring Kleenex as there will likely be a number of deeply moving and heart freeing healing messages and energetic assistance from the team. The Masters will help us to release resentments, disappointments, old wounds, unforgiveness, and even self-attacks in order to repair our broken hearts, minds, and souls so we may experience our true nature once again.   

*Register by 6:55 pm on JUNE 12th in order to receive your message.


Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (JUNE 19)

It’s Summer Solstice week! So, tonight’s 7 Ray energetic attunement meditation will fulfill a two-fold purpose. First, we’ll be tapping into the Rays at the Cosmic level to help you to integrate the SUMMER SOLSTICE energies. And secondly, in honor of the Goddess “DEMETER”, the Greek goddess of grain and harvest, and the message on her card that I pulled, NURTURER, we will awaken and activate the Nurturer within you so you can nourish yourself from your inner Source more abundantly.


Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (JUNE 26)

I am super excited for tonight’s clearing mediation! I pulled the card for “HESTIA” the Greek goddess of hearth and home, and her message is literally HOME, and so I thought we’d try something new, and instead of clearing you, we’ll be doing an energetic clearing for your actual home. How fun! You’ll become my gateway to your living space and with help from our team in Spirit, we will brighten up your spaces, clear out unwanted and stagnant energies, check for entities and portals, set your boundaries and build a forcefield of protection around your home, and finally we’ll pack in lots of blessings, positive energy, abundance, peace and of course LOVE for all of you! (And yes, the people you live with too!)


This is going to BE an awesome month! I can feel it in the air, and in my hair (my Crown is really open right now with excitement)! I can’t wait to share in this ABUNDANCE with you!


Happy my Birthday month to you, Namaste BeUtiful BEings, and thanks for BEing YOU!!!!

With all my love,
Lee Ann Somers


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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Hawaii Retreat - Spring 2023

Hawaii Retreat ~ Awakening the Sacred Heart of Lumeria with Lee Ann Somers

Aloha and Namaste BeUtiful BEings!

My friends, are you ready for the heart expanding adventure of a lifetime?

Then pack your bags because we’re going to HAWAII!!! 

The BEING U team welcomes you to join us APRIL 28th – MAY 5th 2023 for our next Sacred Sites Retreat: “Awakening the Sacred Heart of Lumeria” in Kauai, Hawaii! 

Ask anyone who’s been on one of our Sacred Sites Retreats, and they will tell you that this is way more than just a vacation!! Our retreats are Higher purpose driven, deeply transformational experiences. Each one is designed to teach, promote, and practice self-love, spiritual awareness, wellness, and energetic empowerment, while also fostering spiritual life integration practices, such as, building sacred intention, living in conscious community, practicing self-compassion and healing, flowing with Grace, honoring Oneness, and my favorite, working with the RAYS! 

Why Hawaii? Why Now?

Since the dawning of the Aquarian Age, I have been guided to take Lightworkers to specific Etheric Temples which house Flames from the Seven Healing Rays over energetic power points on the planet. This has been done with great care and attention to support the unfolding of the Divine Light Plan for the awakening of the Aquarian Age, and I have been truly blessed with BeUtiful BEings such as you who have joined in service to the Light and have participated in these journeys both as the forefront recipients of these energetic blessings and attunements, as well as facilitators of these Ray transmissions at a planetary level.

In 2021, we were taken to the Great Brotherhood of the White Light’s Etheric Retreat, as well as Lord Lanto’s Yellow Ray Grand Teton Retreat, and St. Germain’s Violet Flame Retreat in the Royal Teton Mountain Range of Wyoming. There, we were “Welcomed Home” and grounded into a level of spiritual integration, empowerment, and love which never felt so mightily before!

This year, our guides brought us to St. Germain’s Temple in Mount Shasta, California where Violet Flame initiates have gathered for ages to petition for Mastery level training. Here, with the help of the Violet Flame team, we were able to heal our deepest soul level wounds in order to embrace the Master within.  

And now, our third and final mission in this Violet Flame Awakening Series takes us across the crystal blue waters of the Pacific Ocean to the heart of ancient Lumeria and into the embrace of the Golden Ruby Ray Temple of Peace that lies above the beautiful islands of Hawaii, and specifically to Hawaii’s most sacred island, Kauai.  Whereas the Tetons opened us to the power of the Aquarian Age (BODY), and Mount Shasta opened us to the Mastery of the Age (MIND), now it’s time we awaken the HEART of the Age (SPIRIT)!  

The Alchemy of Kauai

Of course, there will be secret waterfalls, sacred temples, beautiful dolphins, white sand beaches, exotic lush landscapes, and all things you’d expect from a Hawaiian dream vacation, but what makes this destination so exceptional and perfect to support our sacred intention is its ALCHEMY!

My team in Spirit have shared with me that in the Spring of 2023 there will be a NEW Alchemy introduced onto this planet that combines the Golden Ruby Ray of the last Piscean Age, the Violet Ray of this Aquarian Age, and the reawakening of the Aquamarine Ray energy that has been lost to us since the Lemurian Age 30,000 years ago! This Alchemy will eventually create a way of life that is Soul centered, Spirit connected, Heart opened, and Grace supported way of Being for all, and we get to be some of the first to experience this initiation! 

This Alchemy is being birthed from the ancient heart of Lumeria in the Pacific Ocean, and there is no better place to support this transformational energy or to receive its benevolent blessings than the beautiful lush island of Kauai, the sacred heart of Hawaii.  

WHAT to Expect

What can you expect from the retreat….I have come to accept that until the healing unfolds,  only God really knows what to expect on these trips! What I can tell you is how it’s going to unfold. Daily intention, spiritual practices to open the heart including guided meditations, breathwork, sacred ceremony, channeled messages, and group sharing are often key elements along the path to Self-Discovery.  Everyday we’ll be activating, experiencing and integrating the Alchemy of the Aquamarine Ray (the Ray of Unity, Altruism, and Unconditionality), the Golden Ruby Ray (the Ray of Grace, Bliss, and Peace), and the Violet Ray (the Ray of Freedom, Benevolence, and Harmony).  

We’ll have 8 heavenly days of immersion into SPIRIT and to facilitate an emergence of SELF, in other words, to soak in the High-Heart energy of Lemuria and re-member our essential nature, to bask in the elements of nature and become once again Heart centered and connected to LIFE, to nourish our Spirits in the Temples of the Healing Rays, not to mention to spiritually train, be initiated, receive attunements, and to get guidance from our beloved Source/God, Spirit Guides, Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers while we find true INNER PEACE, SACRED LOVE, CONNECTION TO LIFE and the SPIRIT OF ALOHA!  

A few of the sites we will be experiencing are: a canoe trip down the Wailua River and hike through the rain forest to the Uluwehi Falls, the ruins of the ancient Poli’ahu Heiau, a Siva Puja at the Hindu Monastery, Secret Beach, Swimming with the Dolphins off of O’ahu, and a traditional lūʻau just to name a few. 

Since Hawaii books up very quickly, we need your commitment and a deposit of $1,500 by November 30, 2022. (Payment plans are available.)

The EARLY-Registration fee is $4,750 for those who register by 11/30/2022, $4,950 after 11/30/2022, and if space is available, an estimated $5,500 after 12/31/2022. (2023 fee subject to change based on hotel rates in January). The fee includes local transportation, shared lodging, meals, and site fees and does not include roundtrip airfare to O’ahu, travel insurance, private sessions, spa treatments, and spending money.

Registration fee and deposits can be made via Venmo, Zelle, CashApp, Check, or Cash. Credit cards are also accepted with an additional 3% processing fee. All registrations are finalized after payment and retreat agreement are completed. Please note all payments are non-refundable as deposits are made as we receive registration fees.

Please note that no previous trips with us are required to attend. All are welcome who feel called to this Alchemy and intention.

I look forward to shining with you there! 

Namaste my BeUtiful friends! 

With so much Love and Aloha Light,

Lee Ann Somers

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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

Happy Holidays 2022

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy DECEMBER!

With all my heart, I offer you my Love & Light and I SEE you!

As we move into the last month of the year, I am reminded that December is often a sort of tug of war energetically.  On the one hand, there’s so much introversion momentum that invites us to take it easy, to be in stillness and silence, and to evaluate, plan, and complete of Self Re-Creation process of this year. On the other hand, there’s an extroverted momentum as the outer world calls us to engage, to connect and to DO, to share, to express, and, of course, to shop!

Put these energies together, and we have recipe for a potentially very busy month with typically lots of deep feelings coming up, longings for true connections, perhaps a bit too much self-pressure to get it all done, and to be just perfect constantly, but also opportunities for gratitude and Love, cultivation of friendships, and reconnection with that which matters most to you. December is quite an Alchemy! OH! …and there’s a little Winter Solstice recalibration to boot!

Here's a few tips from my heart to yours….

  • Keep It Real & Just BE YOU!

  • Honor both the Introvert and the Extrovert in you and keep them balanced.

  • Be Kind with others….most people are extra stressed and impatient this time of year.

  • And as ever, shields up, boots on, heart open, and BE THE LIGHT!

As a matter of fact, that’s our BEing U theme for the month of December….BE THE LIGHT!

I hope you will take the time to join us for some BeUtiful meditations this month, so we can shine together. Here’s what’s to come…


I welcome you to join me on Monday nights for Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka – “SMP”)

Each week offers a weekly soul nourishing program to support your BeUtiful spiritual lifestyle. Including a chance to connect and heal with the Archangels, receive insights from the Ascended Masters, fine-tune your Alchemy with the 7 Rays, and we’ll also do a little energetic self-maintenance. Here’s a glimpse into what’s up this month in SMP….


Monday, November 28th – Week 1 – Healing with The Archangels

We have a triple Archangel combo to experience this week as we welcome the Archangels Michael, Jophiel, and Chamuel from the Blue, Yellow and Pink Rays to really harmonize the energy of our Body, Mind, and Spirit.


Monday, December 5th – Week 2 – Messages from the Masters

Join me for a beautiful evening of a guided meditation from the Ascended Masters and Teachers to brighten your LIGHT a few watts and to learn from them about how to BE THE LIGHT! Tonight’s message will be a group message rather than individual messages as many Masters wish to speak to the Light BEings about this very special topic.


Monday, December 12th – Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

This week’s SMP will feature a very special guest and Master Alchemist, MELCHIEZEDEK, who is one of the wisest teachers and best healers that I have the pleasure to know and channel. He wishes to offer you a 7 Ray “BE THE LIGHT” Healing Attunement to adjust your sacred geometry and energetic channel to the most refined level possible at this time and in preparation for the unfolding plan for 2023.


Monday, December 19th – Week 4 – Energetic Clearing

Since this evening will be the final SMP for the beautiful year 2022, we are going to go out with a bang! Tonight’s Energetic Clearing will be a Solar level clearing session. In other words, we will go beyond your human level, beyond your planetary level energetics to your Solar level to upload and release your 2022 energetics that you’ve processed and download new healing frequencies and codes to start your new year off with loads of BIG BRIGHT LIGHT!


Be on the lookout for other December and January announcements coming soon!


BeUtiful LIGHT-BEings, I love you all!

Don’t forget, Just BE U!!

From my heart to yours, Happy Holidays and thanks for BEing YOU!

Lee Ann Somers

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Lee Ann Somers Lee Ann Somers

November 2022 Newsletter

November 2022 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings!

Happy November blessings to you and yours!  

I’m sure you’ve heard the age old saying, “What goes up must come down.” Everything in creation is in balance with its opposite force and the Flow of Life, and karma keeps it all beautifully equalized.  Never before have I felt this so obvious and true as the energy I have experienced in the last few weeks.

I credit my first awareness of the sacred ebbs and flows in my life with my wonderful experience as a first-time attendee at the 36th Annual World Congress on Illumination celebrating hosted by Patricia Cota-Robles in which she spoke about the Portal of the Holy Breath that was opened over Santa Fe, New Mexico during our work there.

The entire time I felt held in harmony with both the masculine energy of powerful Intention and affirmation and also with the feminine energy of sacred Love and creativity. The balance was obvious and palpable, and I was so aware of the necessity of partnership and cooperation. In fact, without this unity of duality, we wouldn’t have access to the Violet Flame which is the embodiment of this equity.

Then, in obvious contrast, I got home from the conference and immediately got Covid and was down for the count for days. The go-go-go turned into stop-stop-stop. The Marco-Universe of Me loving on everyone all at once turned into taking care of the Microcosmic Inner-Verse of Me. I rested and counted vitamins and nourished my soul with yummy chicken soup. The feeling that I haven’t felt this great in years turned into OMG everything hurts!

On the surface, one might be inclined to say these were opposite experiences, but what I realized was that it was a continuation, a complimentary next natural event, a balancer in fact.  It was only because I had to tuck in that I was able to integrate the richness of the content I had absorbed during the conference. There was a lesson for me in this AHA moment, one that has inspired my BEING U theme for the Month of November.

Making comparison, placing judgement, and establishing valuation in a system of relativity is so automatic to do in our human nature. (Perfect example: 300 Lightworkers doing World Healing at a conference --- TOTALLY AWESOME!!! vs. getting Covid --- TOTALLY SUCKS! )  We constantly and unconsciously judge and qualify this compared to that, and we establish value for our human experiences based on our emotional preferences; we prefer comfort and pleasure, and avoid at all costs pain and sorrow.  The Ebb and Flow of Life and the Laws of Spirit and Karma, however, don’t do this. Rather, it says EVERYTHING has value and all experiences have a contribution to make in our life. In every moment, there is potential, greatness can be found in all spaces, and like it or not, pain can be a great teacher, suffering can be a great motivator, and of course, getting lemons is the only way to make Lemonade.

So in the Spirit of embracing NON-DUALITY, equality, all-inclusiveness, and the true nature of the Violet Flame, I invite you this month to practice the not-so-easy art of saying

YES to everything!!! Become comfortable when a high follows a low and have faith that that too is temporary and will be followed by another high. Notice also, that between the high and low, and the ebb and flow, there is a gentle space which exists where the direction changes, and in that window, there is suspended in between, a gift, a treasure, an opportunity, a gateway to transformation, a miracle moment, peace. Something awaits you there. Yogis of ages have sought to learn to hold their consciousness there in the precipice as a way to enlightenment.

Our BEING U theme this Month is “ENJOY EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION, AND BREATHE INTO THE SPACE IN BETWEEN” which we’ll be exploring in this month’s Spiritual Maintenance Plan classes.

Here’s a glimpse into what’s possible to discover within you…


Monday, October 31st – Week 1 – Healing with The Archangels

This month, we begin with Archangel Amethyst from the Violet Ray who would very much like to help you expand your capacity to blaze the Violet Flame by giving you your very own pair of Violet Flame Wings! This will give you special VIP Angelic level Violet Flame energy access and a few Angelic healing codes that Amethyst has in store for you.


Monday, November 7th – Week 2 – Messages from the Masters

In our Messages from the Masters program, we call upon the Masters and Teachers for messages and assistance on our monthly theme of Expansion and Contraction. What are you in need of Expanding more of? What can be Contracted, and what does that mean for you? The Masters are here to help you to regulate both Flows. After a brief guided mediation to open your channel, individual messages will be given to all in attendance.

*Register by 6:55 pm on November 7th in order to receive your message.


Monday, November 14th – Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

This month’s Alchemy program will help you to pull in and concentrate all 7 Healing Rays in their full bounty, and we're going to really Expand your I AM PRESENCE Channel!


Monday, November 21st – Week 4 – Energetic Clearing

Our Energetic Clearing night has really become one of my favorite programs because I am always in Awe of what comes through, and I expect this month will be equally amazing! We are celebrating the ultimate sacred ebb and flow tonight – THE BREATH! Join me for a healing mantra, some easy mindful breathwork, and a full respiratory system scan in our healing meditation.


My beautiful friends, thank you for being in my life and in this world! You have expanded my senses and the field I know as my heart, and you have contracted my spiritual essence into the finest elixir of grateful love that I have ever been able to express. Let's expand our Love and Light together this month, and say YES to all that we flow into and through.

With my hands contracted together, I bow to you BeUtiful Beings, Namaste and thanks for Being U!

Lee Ann Somers


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