April 2024 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy April!

Welcome to the season of change, emergence, and new beginnings! After 5 weeks away in Thailand and Bali, I am happy to ground back into my South Florida home base and to reconnect with all of you! I had a wonderful time sharing all of my favorite Thai things with a beautiful group of BEings on our latest Retreat, and Bali…what can I say about Bali? It just moved my soul. It shifted me in a way I have yet to find words for. My new “center” feels vibrant, and it is blazing with this steady feeling of easy peace and easy power. I thought that plugging back into the routines of home would cause that “vacation buzz” to dissipate as it typically does, but to my joy, this feeling seems to be sticking around differently. It feels deeper, more natural, more alive, like a new BEingness. I’ve changed in some sweet way, and I trust that this is so right and so rightly timed with what’s going on energetically with the Universe right now.  


I would venture to bet I am not the only one shifting into something new. Spring is upon us in full splendor, and we are kicking off the Spring season with an incredibly powerful total Solar eclipse today, Monday April 8th, which is also the New Moon in Aries, the first sign in the new zodiac year, and we’ve been riding a wave of spiritual transformation that began on the Spring Equinox. This time of year always welcomes big changes, but somehow this year’s energy is even more special and magnanimous. It’s not only offering NEW BEGINNINGS, but also NEW BEINGNESS, and so that is our BEING U theme for the month of April, and I can’t wait to see what this month creates for you!


I welcome you to join me for our BEING U monthly programs where we will explore the many facets of this topic beginning with Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka SMP) on Monday nights at 7pm EST. Each week, we will delve into spiritual practices with guided meditations, messages and energetics to help you find your new center, to support you with the Healing Rays, and to offer you some extra guidance and clarity from our team in Spirit.


Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (APRIL 8)

Our host for this evening is the Archangel Uriel who is somewhat of an expert in my opinion about Self transformation as he is known as the Archangel of Resurrection and can fire up a new BEingness flame in even the toughest to crack Souls. He also promises to speak to us about the power of the Solar Eclipse/New Moon taking place this day and will assist us in maximizing the benefits of its auspicious energy in our meditation. 


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (APRIL 15)

Join me for a BeUtiful evening of healing, meditation, and group messages with the Ascended Masters and Teachers on the topic of NEW BEINGNESS. For this program I will be honored to channel for both our beloved St. Germain and his twin flame, Lady Portia, who is also known as the Goddess of Freedom, Justice and Opportunity. Together they will share insights about what is dismantling at this time, offer healing for the old SELF’s wounds and karmic records, and bring wisdom and clarity to what is arising within us in the NEW BEingness. They wish to speak on how to integrate and adjust to the new BEINGNESS that is birthing from within and give clues as to what’s possible moving forward as this new presence and power.


Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (APRIL 22)

Week 3 of SMP is always our chance to energetically regulate our Alchemy with the help of the 7 Rays, and this month we offer a BeUtiful guided meditation attunement from all 7 Flames. Each one of the Rays has a NEW “BIRTH”DAY gift for you to celebrate your NEW BEingness and to help you get comfortable with this increase in your vibration,  your expanded capacity to wield your Love and Light, and to help you settle into your new quality of BEING.


Week 4 – Energetic Maintenance (APRIL 29)

For tonight’s BeUtiful meditation practice I reserve the right to play it by ear. My guides are saying that whatever unfolds throughout the month energetically will determine our exact program and plan, but that will be revealed at a later time. So please forgive me for the lack of details at this time (I just work here), and feel free to join me for what is sure to be a “Spot-On!-My-Soul-Totally-Needed-Exactly-That” kind of meditation!


I welcome you to join me for a NEW 3-Part Masterclass Series on all things related to MANAGING ENERGY CORDS on Thursday Nights 7pm-9:30pm: April 25th, May 2nd, and May 9th.  I was in a conversation with my Guardian Archangel, Aurora, discussing cutting a cord for a client not too long ago, about which I asked her, “haven’t we already done this? Didn’t we already show this person how to do this?” To which she replied, “but have you REALLY shared what you know?” and just like that, we have a NEW MASTERCLASS!


To cut, or not to cut? That is the question….

But really there’s a million other things to know about cords and it’s not as simple as only those two options. What is an energy cord? How do they work? How do they get created/attached? Are there different kinds of cords? What can you do with them? Do they all need to get cut or should they be managed? How so? Are cords only between people or do we get cords to other things too? And on and on and on…..


This MASTERCLASS SERIES will give you the wisdom and tools to self-manage this part of your field with confidence and ease. I will help you fine tune your intuition and show you what to look for in your feelings and in your field to identify cords and track down their sources. I will teach you tools to energize certain connections with the help of your Rays, how to cut the ones that no longer serve you, and how to tell the difference between the two.  I will also show you how to block out those that won’t leave you alone and keep grabbing back on, as well as how to handle collective cords that build around a life theme, and even how to identify and clear karmic energy cords.


This MASTERCLASS is a gamechanger for those of you who are energetically sensitive, empathic and who just want to be unburdened from the heaviness, stagnation, and stressfulness of having too many cords in all the wrong places. As we demystify the subject of cords and offer you tools to feel confident, proactive, and safe in your energy, we put the power of your wellness back in to your hands and set your energy free to thrive and create in a whole different way. I look forward to sharing all my secrets with you!!


Lastly, I will be offering Speaking With Spirit this month VIRTUALLY so that all of my “not in South Florida” peeps can attend as I’ve been promising! Join me on Wednesday April 17th at 7pm for an opening meditation followed by an intimate dialog with your angels, guides, masters and teachers that I will be channeling between you and them. Despite being Virtual, attendance will still be limited to eight in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides, so please reserve your spot early.


My BeUtiful friends, I wish you a peaceful and loving month and I look forward with all my heart to witnessing your NEW BEingness blossoming in, through, and around you in magnificent ways. The Universe holds you in its magic and care, and you are beautiful, bountiful, and blessed!


I send you my Love and Light All*Ways, Namaste, and thanks for BEing YOU!


February 2024 Newsletter