November 2022 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings!

Happy November blessings to you and yours!  

I’m sure you’ve heard the age old saying, “What goes up must come down.” Everything in creation is in balance with its opposite force and the Flow of Life, and karma keeps it all beautifully equalized.  Never before have I felt this so obvious and true as the energy I have experienced in the last few weeks.

I credit my first awareness of the sacred ebbs and flows in my life with my wonderful experience as a first-time attendee at the 36th Annual World Congress on Illumination celebrating hosted by Patricia Cota-Robles in which she spoke about the Portal of the Holy Breath that was opened over Santa Fe, New Mexico during our work there.

The entire time I felt held in harmony with both the masculine energy of powerful Intention and affirmation and also with the feminine energy of sacred Love and creativity. The balance was obvious and palpable, and I was so aware of the necessity of partnership and cooperation. In fact, without this unity of duality, we wouldn’t have access to the Violet Flame which is the embodiment of this equity.

Then, in obvious contrast, I got home from the conference and immediately got Covid and was down for the count for days. The go-go-go turned into stop-stop-stop. The Marco-Universe of Me loving on everyone all at once turned into taking care of the Microcosmic Inner-Verse of Me. I rested and counted vitamins and nourished my soul with yummy chicken soup. The feeling that I haven’t felt this great in years turned into OMG everything hurts!

On the surface, one might be inclined to say these were opposite experiences, but what I realized was that it was a continuation, a complimentary next natural event, a balancer in fact.  It was only because I had to tuck in that I was able to integrate the richness of the content I had absorbed during the conference. There was a lesson for me in this AHA moment, one that has inspired my BEING U theme for the Month of November.

Making comparison, placing judgement, and establishing valuation in a system of relativity is so automatic to do in our human nature. (Perfect example: 300 Lightworkers doing World Healing at a conference --- TOTALLY AWESOME!!! vs. getting Covid --- TOTALLY SUCKS! )  We constantly and unconsciously judge and qualify this compared to that, and we establish value for our human experiences based on our emotional preferences; we prefer comfort and pleasure, and avoid at all costs pain and sorrow.  The Ebb and Flow of Life and the Laws of Spirit and Karma, however, don’t do this. Rather, it says EVERYTHING has value and all experiences have a contribution to make in our life. In every moment, there is potential, greatness can be found in all spaces, and like it or not, pain can be a great teacher, suffering can be a great motivator, and of course, getting lemons is the only way to make Lemonade.

So in the Spirit of embracing NON-DUALITY, equality, all-inclusiveness, and the true nature of the Violet Flame, I invite you this month to practice the not-so-easy art of saying

YES to everything!!! Become comfortable when a high follows a low and have faith that that too is temporary and will be followed by another high. Notice also, that between the high and low, and the ebb and flow, there is a gentle space which exists where the direction changes, and in that window, there is suspended in between, a gift, a treasure, an opportunity, a gateway to transformation, a miracle moment, peace. Something awaits you there. Yogis of ages have sought to learn to hold their consciousness there in the precipice as a way to enlightenment.

Our BEING U theme this Month is “ENJOY EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION, AND BREATHE INTO THE SPACE IN BETWEEN” which we’ll be exploring in this month’s Spiritual Maintenance Plan classes.

Here’s a glimpse into what’s possible to discover within you…


Monday, October 31st – Week 1 – Healing with The Archangels

This month, we begin with Archangel Amethyst from the Violet Ray who would very much like to help you expand your capacity to blaze the Violet Flame by giving you your very own pair of Violet Flame Wings! This will give you special VIP Angelic level Violet Flame energy access and a few Angelic healing codes that Amethyst has in store for you.


Monday, November 7th – Week 2 – Messages from the Masters

In our Messages from the Masters program, we call upon the Masters and Teachers for messages and assistance on our monthly theme of Expansion and Contraction. What are you in need of Expanding more of? What can be Contracted, and what does that mean for you? The Masters are here to help you to regulate both Flows. After a brief guided mediation to open your channel, individual messages will be given to all in attendance.

*Register by 6:55 pm on November 7th in order to receive your message.


Monday, November 14th – Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays

This month’s Alchemy program will help you to pull in and concentrate all 7 Healing Rays in their full bounty, and we're going to really Expand your I AM PRESENCE Channel!


Monday, November 21st – Week 4 – Energetic Clearing

Our Energetic Clearing night has really become one of my favorite programs because I am always in Awe of what comes through, and I expect this month will be equally amazing! We are celebrating the ultimate sacred ebb and flow tonight – THE BREATH! Join me for a healing mantra, some easy mindful breathwork, and a full respiratory system scan in our healing meditation.


My beautiful friends, thank you for being in my life and in this world! You have expanded my senses and the field I know as my heart, and you have contracted my spiritual essence into the finest elixir of grateful love that I have ever been able to express. Let's expand our Love and Light together this month, and say YES to all that we flow into and through.

With my hands contracted together, I bow to you BeUtiful Beings, Namaste and thanks for Being U!

Lee Ann Somers



Happy Holidays 2022