January 2025 Newsletter
Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy JANUARY!
HAPPY NEW YEAR, BeUtiful BEings!!!!
It’s 2025, and we have just turned the page on what was obviously the most exponentially challenging year ever! We have finally wrapped up the mission of 2024, which was a massive, major, all-encompassing, transmutational overhaul of every front, back, inside and outside nook and cranny of our BEingness (including our LIFE experience field), not to mention our contribution to the same efforts for the collective good! Whew!
This sacred effort has not always felt very sacred, and the Lightwork last year has not always felt very Light. I found myself, as I’m sure you did, spending every spare ounce of spiritual energy that I could muster in 2024 astral travelling to stand ringside with the many Lightworkers who have wanted to tap out, cheering them on one more round, and double timing on the refueling-the-exhausted-souls pit crews on higher planes. The work has been exhausting, BUT and this is a BIG but, SO REWARDING, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way!
Then November 19th happened!! The sky parted, the angels sang, the burdens lifted, and just like that, the deadline arrived, and the Universe declared the mission successfully accomplished!
My soul gently crash landed into Love and sweet exhaustion where I have been replenishing ever since. In this post Plutonian shift, there is a real need to soothe and regroup, and to learn to BE different.
I swear a part of my Soul wants hit the snooze button a few times before we roll into the 2025 energies, and I bet yours does too. That’s OK. There’s no rush and no pressure right now and that inner voice that says get up, do more, you’ve gotta have it all figured out, is the lingering voice of 2024 PTSD styled motivation, but really, it’s ok to linger in a restful, nourishing, recovery state for a minute longer. 2025 isn’t going anywhere without us, and this whole year is about rebuilding our vision for our lives and our world. The demolition work to establish the Violet Flame Age is complete. Rest a bit extra and take off all the pressure before the fun of remodeling and designing begins.
In case you need a Get-Out-Of-Guilt-Jail Free card so you can properly recoup, here’s some incentive. I have been regrouping for 6 weeks now like my life depends on it -- at Aurora’s insistence. She’s my guardian Archangel, so I really take her advice seriously, but in truth, I have come to honor how much I really needed to recoup and how beneficial it’s been for me, which I share in expectation that the same will be for you.
In such a short time, I realized that a lot of my spiritual strength has sling-shotted back from the higher planes where it was volunteering on important things I don’t have the bandwidth to ask about yet and has grounded back home into my center where it belongs once again. I am feeling more like ME than I have in a long time including the spiritually integrated human me…as in my human IS ONE with my higher self to a past level and capacity, re-achieved once again and then some. My vibe is much more effortlessly feeling happier and more present, definitely less stressed and anxious, and even some of my 3D intuitive “talents” that shut down for years in order to conserve energy and redirect flow to higher planes, have all of a sudden, lit back up, and are back on with a renewed vigor. I feel powerful and clean, and ready to renew my contract with the Divine Plan unfolding, as in the burnout feels lifted, and I feel blessed. It’s so refreshing!!! And I know it’s just the beginning of BEING me again.
My dear friends, like me, I have no doubt that you barely have awareness of how much energy you’ve given up to facilitate this transformational shift for the Aquarian Age’s launch, and like me, I’m sure you wouldn’t change a thing if you had to do it all over again. Just know this, please… all that I have received and so many more rewards are also available to you! I want you to reap the abundant materialized blessings that are benevolently being dispensed to you throughout this year. My one continuous prayer on behalf of all of is, “Make it Worth It! Thank You” Make the blessings and rewards so valuable, tangible, feelable, knowable, sense-able, and all permeating in this world and in the hearts and minds and souls of all sentient BEings, and that all of you BeUtiful BEings never have to worry or fear life again. I pray you receive spontaneous dreams jobs, the most incredible life partners, that you win the lottery jackpots, that you have soul level peace, and that you get to have coffee and conversations with your angels every day, and what-ever is your version of that which would make it worth the investment you have made. I know you will have it all, and it’s already happening. My phone has already been ringing with calls from our BEing U peeps that start with, “Lee Ann, You’re not gonna believe this!” and which end with me saying, “This is only the beginning of the Blessings, stay open to receive!”
We are going to have a very HAPPY 2025!! With that intention in my heart, I offer you a gentle, sweet, and angelically enveloped liftoff into our BEING U theme for the month of January, the scintillating question, one worthy of turning off the last snooze button and awakening the soul for… “WHAT NOW?”
Let’s find out WHAT NOW? in my favorite way…. Together!
Just in case you haven’t made a great soul elevating New Year’s resolution yet, I welcome you to consider joining our BEING U Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka SMP) as your gift to your Spirit! This is a great way to stay on the Spiritual success track and to hold yourself accountable for showing up to BE with YOU, regularly. No pressure, just love. SMP is a LIVE weekly program on ZOOM on Monday nights at 7pm EST, or you can always receive the recordings for your convenience. Each week we delve into spiritual practices, channeled meditations, guided messages from our friends in Spirit, and high vibing energetic reports and Attunements from the 7 Rays to stay spiritually optimized and tuned-in.
Here’s a peek at what’s on the Plan for January’s SMP:
Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (JAN 6)
Tonight’s BeUtiful Archangelic guided meditation will be hosted by the Queen of the Archangels, Beloved Archangel Mary, and my girl, Archangel Aurora. This might sound a bit familiar since they hosted our SMP in December, but tonight’s meditation will actually be a continuation of their promise to nurture, love, empower, and recharge us as we cross into the New Year. They have literally been my re-integrators over the last few weeks and it has been under their masterful touch that my soul has realigned so seamlessly with my humanity. Tonight, they wish to facilitate the same for you! Their answer to the question, WHAT NOW? is: A Soul level Re-calling, Re-introducing, Re-Wiring and Re-Calibrating of YOU! It’s time to Let Go of the Past with Grace and to “eclose” (means to emerge from a cocoon) into your BeUtiful SELF version 20.25.
Week 2 – Messages From the Masters (JAN 13) FULL MOON
The Ascended Masters and Teachers have answers for you! After our opening guided meditation, we will offer our BEING U theme in the direction of our Mastery trainers and see who steps up to answer the question on every body’s mind, WHAT NOW? As is typical on these SMP message nights, we will receive multiple group messages from a number of different Ascended Master Teachers and hear their interpretations on the topic at hand. They always seem to know exactly what we need to know, when we need to know it, and I am ever grateful for the Masters contributions to our human spiritual family.
PS. Tonight’s Full Moon in Cancer will also be a highlight for our Attunement and discussion.
Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (JAN 20)
Happy New Year from the Rays! Join me for the first Alchemy attunements of 2025! Each one of the 7 Rays will make a special appearance to give you it’s gift, message, energy, and blessing. Surprises are in store for you, but WHAT NOW? Answered by the Rays could mean 7 new layers to your energetic shields, a few new tools to add to your spiritual armory, some extra boons, blessings and dispensations, and even spiritual activations and awakenings. The Rays will also offer you the opportunity to be an open channel and conduit for transmitting blessings to your loved ones and to the world tonight, so think about who you’re praying for and connecting to in advance if you wish.
Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (JAN 27)
We’ve got a lot of good vibes coming up this week! First, tonight marks the arrival of the planet Mercury into the House of Aquarius, as if there wasn’t enough energy in Aquarius already, LOL. And on Wednesday, January 29th, we have the New Moon in Aquarius which hails in the Lunar New Year, which in Chinese Astrology means that 2025 is the year of the Wood Snake. (I’m a Fire Snake, so this should be an interesting year for me! Wood feeds Fire and makes us blaze!) Taking inspiration from both of these mile markers, tonight, we will blaze new trails and open up some spaces to thrive and grow energetically, and since Mercury in Aquarius gives us a chance to refresh our desired role and commitment to making this world a better place, we’ll see to clearing out the old way of doing that, and find the WHAT NOW? way.
(As always, you are welcome to join for a single SMP program for $11 per evening, or for $33 for the entire Month of SMP.)
If you’re new to BEING U, I invite you to try a month of SMP as my FREE GIFT to you! It’s such a great way to get to know BEING U, to start a meditation practice or to compliment your already existing spiritual practice, and it would be my pleasure to welcome you to our community.
Please click below to register for my gift to you! And while you’re at it, invite a friend or 100 to do the same! All are welcome, the gift is LIMITLESS!!
(Remember you can attend Live or receive links to the recordings for your convenience.)
Next up, step into your REAL Spiritual Power in 2025 and claim your Right to BE U with our first BEING U MASTERCLASS Series of 2025:
“The Way of BEING U in 2025” – A 7 Rays MASTERCLASS Spiritual Re-Training Program
Are you ready to make 2025 your best year ever? You’ve earned the RIGHT to BE YOU in 2025 and the Rays are ready to show you the Way to BE so you can do just that!
Join me for 7 Weeks of energetic Attunements and instructions from the Archangels and Ascended Masters on how you can show up differently in 2025 because of the Self-transformational work you accomplished in 2024.
The Way of BEing moving forward is going to be optimized by, and dare I boldly say require, training and supervision from our team in Spirit so we don’t run the risk of repeating old trauma responses of powerlessness, scarcity, and fear that were so dominant of our experiences last year and so that we build the confidence we need to stand in our Spiritual Right to collaborate with our Life as a creative expression of who we are. In other words, your outsides (LIFE) is going to reflect what’s on your insides (BEingness), and because we’ve hovered in survival states and held so much stress in our bodies, minds, and hearts, we have to unlearn that way of being in order to BE back in our true nature.
2025 is our time to re-train ourselves to open to Love again. We have to re-hone our intuitive instincts to navigate us through goodness, rather than waste those talents on detecting and endure disturbances. We have to find our flow of connectivity with others in a harmonious way again, and break the cycle of over shielding ourselves too harshly from one another which wounds our sense of belonging and creates loneliness. These ways of BEing are in our Divine Nature and must be reclaimed as they are not our obviouse default go-to modus operendi of late, and this MASTERCLASS is designed to reach the goal of transcending separation wounds and spiritual exhaustion so that we can re-engage with ourselves, with others, and with LIFE in a state of Joy and productivity, with compassionate and empowerment, with purpose and balance, with freedom and ease, as it is meant to BE.
Here's a simple question for you…. Who do you want to BE in 2025?
A Creative Powerhouse? A Guru of Life? A Peaceful Warrior of truth and justice? A Blessed and Beloved Incarnation of Divine Source, Individualized and God endorsed? A Master of Love and Faith? A Shaper of the Universe? Or maybe, a Happy, Healthy Human living a purposeful life is the perfect BEingness for you. It’s all possible. It’s all RIGHT. It’s all YOURS!!
What do you need to do to BE THAT? Choose it!
This Masterclass is literally a game changer, and the 7 Rays are ready to show you what you’re made of, REALLY, and how to BE that. A YOU THAT is Free to express your creative authority. A YOU THAT can decide where your energy flows and grows. A YOU THAT breathes and lives in harmony. A YOU THAT is miraculous and magical AND practical. A YOU THAT takes responsibility for your experience and THAT channels your spiritual force into every facet of your life, unapologetically. A YOU THAT isn’t reactive, repressive, resistant and avoidant of Life, which comes from a space of wounds and trauma and is filled with anxiety, survival instincts and fear based patterns, but rather a YOU THAT is a PRO-ACTIVE, I CAN DO THIS, affirmative, acceptant, empowered YOU! Fearless. Brave. Bold. Worthy. Happy. Loved. Generous. Kind. Graceful. Right-FULL. God-like. YOU! Notice I bold faced the word THAT everywhere in this paragraph; it’s purposeful to imply from your Highest, as in I AM THAT!! THAT I AM!!!
Welcome to the next incarnation of Ascension training, the 7 Rays Path for living an extraordinary, spiritually sourced, BeUtiful life! I look forward to emerging THAT which we truly ARE in 2025 with you!!
Save the Dates: Thursdays from 7pm-9:30pm on 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20.
Registration Fee: $225 for the Series of 7 Weeks
Then, I am very excited to be offering something NEW! For the following 10 months (March-December), I will be offering THE WAY OF BEING U Coaching Series, a 90-minute monthly group coaching call based on this MASTERCLASS’s teachings to support the Integration of your new WAY of BEing U throughout the year.
This Coaching Series will be available exclusively to participants of the WAY OF BEING U in 2025 MASTERCLASS. It is optional, but highly recommended, and can be joined LIVE on Zoom, or you can opt to receive the recordings to replay at your convenience. Dates will be announced in the MASTERCLASS.
This will provide us a great opportunity to build unity as we hold each other’s visions in our collective heart, and to continue to be accountable, responsible, and committed to achieving our personal goals for 2025. I will happily re-energize you with the Rays, channel new and relevant insights and energetic reports from our Guides to keep you growing, and answer all of your questions and trouble-shooting needs.
You must sign up for the entire THE WAY OF BEING U Coaching Series which can be paid in one lump sum of $250 or which can be paid in monthly installments of $25/month.
I have 3 more SPECIAL EVENTS this month to share with you:
Join me IN PERSON under the stars for our annual 1:11 Galactic Portal Meditation! This is the perfect evening to bask in the auspiciousness of the Universe, to receive blessings, to gain clarity for our vision for 2025, and to share time and space together in community as we co-create our vision for our BeUtiful world! You will enjoy an energetic cleansing ceremony as well as a guided meditation to start your year off right! This event will be held at my home on Saturday, 1/11 from 7pm-9:30pm, and will be outside, so please dress warmly in case the temperature drops.
Seats are limited to 25 people and registration must be completed 24 hours in advance. Attendance is $25 per person and all are welcome!!
(Street parking is available to the EAST of our house. Please me mindful of our neighbors and don’t block their driveways. Thank you!!)
Speaking With Spirit this month will be held IN PERSON on Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm.
This program will open with a guided meditation followed by an intimate dialog with your angels, guides, masters and teachers that I will be channeling between you and them. Attendance is limited to 8 people in order to give everyone personalized messages from their guides. Spots fill up quickly so please register early.
Reservation is $44 and must be completed 24hrs in advance.
This is a non-refundable event and being on time is a must, thank you.
(Street parking is available to the EAST of our house. Please me mindful of our neighbors and don’t block their driveways.)
Lastly, I welcome you to join me for our first GRACEFUL GATHERING of the year on Wednesday, January 29th at 7pm to celebrate the Chinese New Year!
My BeUtiful friends, let’s ring in the Yin Year of the Wood Snake together as we share in a New Year’s blessing ceremony and guided mediation followed by sacred time to mingle with our BEING U peeps. Graceful Gatherings are the BEING U way to unite our Lightworker family, and to say thank you to our tribe for BEing YOU! They offer us a chance to build community in a BEING U way, and I am going to do my best to offer these Gatherings once a month. This is a FREE event; however, Registration is Required as space is limited to 40 people.
We’ll be gathering at my house in Dania Beach and street parking is available.
(Snacks to share are always welcome and appreciated for the offerings table.)
I know that there’s a lot going on this month so here’s the Highlights to help you plan:
Spiritual Maintenance Plan (SMP)
Mondays: 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27
The Way of BEIng YOU in 2025 MASTERCLASS:
Thursdays: 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20
1/11 Galactic Portal Meditation:
Saturday, January 11th at 7pm
Speaking With Spirit:
Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm
GRACEFUL GATHERING- The Chinese New Year Celebration:
Wednesday, January 29th at 7pm
That’s all for now folks! May your January be filled with happiness and worth!
With all my heart, I love you and wish the happiest and BEST for you this year!