November 2023 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings, and Happy NOVEMBER!

My gratitude for you BEing in this world is overflowing!!

Let me begin by hitting the nail on the head from the get go…..

I am sure you’ve been as shaken to the core about worldly events unfolding across the globe last month as am I, and I, like you, really do want WORLD PEACE! It’s extremely challenging to be the voice of optimism in a world that seems to be struggling with peace and harmony more than ever, but we need to hold the LIGHT of Hope, Healing, and Oneness for all. So much more of God’s Love and Light still needs to channel down to the Earth and into the hearts and minds and beingness of all humankind in order to manifest a lasting “Heaven on Earth” (our BEING U theme from last month), but that’s the mission. No one said it would be easy; they just said, “Your Love is POWERFUL! Go BE YOU!” 

I encourage you not to lose sight of your LIGHT, THE Light, and the goodness in this world, including you! Keep shining bright! Send your Rays of transmutational Love into conflict and disasters. Don’t shy away or feel impotent. You’re so important! If you have to cry, cry. If you’re angry, be angry. If your empathy goes into overdrive, clear your empathic shield with Archangel Raphael’s Emerald Green Ray, then get back to praying, breathing, empowering, grounding, visualizing, affirming, resting, communing, and creating the Divine Plan here on Earth and just keep doing YOU!

I see in you so much strength and beauty, and I am LIT all over again.  My Love for you is all that I need to remember to keep blazing brightly, to charge forward knowing that every positive thing we create contributes to the whole world’s healing, and I breathe easier knowing that I am not alone in the vision of higher potentiality being realized day by day as we continue to transmute and improve our human BEINGNESS and our togetherness.

In the Spirit of upping my “BE EXTRA SHINY” initiative, I have created a number of ways for us to “SPREAD THE LOVE AND LIGHT” this month, our BEING U theme for November.

Check out all the ways to SPREAD YOUR LOVE AND LIGHT this month at BEING U:

Introducing, drum roll please… a brand-new MASTERCLASS SERIES called “HEALING SCARCITY”!

Join me for this very special healing series to transmute SCARCITY! On the path to abundance, personal freedom, and the fullest expression of creative power we, the Lightworkers of the world, often times hit blockages, interference and even karmic debris that seriously slows down our momentum and results in a scarcity mentality, emotional depletion, and lifelessness.

It's time to transmute all that business and get on with accepting our full creative power and potential!

This 3-Part Masterclass is inspired by 2 big influences.
1) I AM on a “Claim-Our-Creative-Authority Mission” as we head into 2024 and the “Create Your Life Conference” in February, and there’s no better way to kickstart our powerful creative than to dismantle the consciousness of scarcity that keeps us playing small, promotes lack and unworthiness, and blocks our creative flow; and 2) because of Golden Ruby Ray energetics that have been pumping into the atmosphere for weeks now to heal the root causes that are causing enormous conflicts in the world today.

Scarcity is a major topic for transmutation under the Golden Ruby Ray directives and specifically the transmutational effort for scarcity at a global level is headquartered in the temple that hovers in the etheric planes over the city of Jerusalem in the Middle East, go figure. Archangels Uriel and Aurora and in partnership with the Violet Ray team invite us to help transmute, transmute, transmute three major themes:  Scarcity of Love, Scarcity of Abundance, and the Scarcity of God on the personal and collective levels in this series. Let this self-healing work be our contribution to the healing of the world. With the help of this devoted and amazing team in Spirit, this Masterclass will truly be a blessing for all. You really do not want to miss out on this series – or else you’d be in scarcity, LOL.

Next, we’ve got an 11:11 GRIDS AND GALAXYS Meditation on 11/11 my favorite day to meditate and go Galactic – LIVE and IN PERSON!!!! Weather permitting, I’ll meet you under the stars and on the beach for this BeUtiful experience. While the beach is quite infinite, my headsets are limited to 28 attendees, so pre-registration is required for this event.

Also, we get to enjoy one more chance to share space and Spirit, always one of my favorites – SPEAKING WITH SPIRIT on November 30th – Again, LIVE AND IN PERSON!! The weather is stunning and we’ll be gathering under the stars for this one, poolside, weather permitting, of course. Pre-registration is required for SWS as seating is limited to 10 attendees, so make sure to sign up early to save your space.

And last, but never least, is our beloved SMP, aka Spiritual Maintenance Plan – an awesome way to hone your spiritual skills and restore your energy week by week on Monday nights on ZOOM. Here’s a glimpse at what is to come….

Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (OCTOBER 30)

Tonight, we get to SPREAD THE LOVE AND LIGHT with our friends the Archangels around the world, but of course, we’re going to take care of your needs first. The Archangels Uriel and Chamuel will be our guides for this meditation and they are adamant about restoring our power to Love and to spread Light. The urgency to expand our self-confidence in this manner is of their utmost concern and together they plan on getting our Spiritual power back online. “For anyone who has been feeling heavy hearted, who can’t stop complaining that the glass is half empty, or who has been weighed down by Life so to speak, this one is for you! For everyone else, this one’s for you too!!” (Says Uriel while Chamuel full belly laughs at his attempt to be sweet…LOL)

Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (NOVEMBER 6)

The Ascended Masters and Teachers what to help you to “RECIEVE THE LOVE”. Everyone can open their channels to more love in all its beautiful aspects, attributes and qualities. For some, that requires knowledge, for others, worthiness or forgiveness, and for others, simply an opening of the heart. Our hosts for this evening’s program in Spirit will be Lady Nada Chohan of the Golden Ruby Ray, Master Teacher Lord Sananda aka Jesus, and beloved the Maha Chohan.

*Register by 6:55 pm on November 6, 2023 in order to receive a message.

Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (NOVEMBER 13)

Tonight’s 7 Rays energetic Attunement theme is “WILL to LOVE”, and we will be working with a few very special Secret Rays including the Indigo Blue Ray, the Opalescent Ray, the Golden Rainbow Ray, and Omega’s Pink Ray. Additionally, we will get to spend some time with our Cosmic friends, the mighty Elohim of creation who are Master creators and embodiers of this theme. We can certainly learn a lot about Loving from them. 

Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (NOVEMBER 27 – notice we skipped the week of Thanksgiving!)

Tonight’s Energetic Clearing meditation will be devoted to loving and healing the World. Together we will combine our LOVE and LIGHT with all of Spirit/Source/God/Universe to send our love to all in need and to hotspots around the globe. I invite everyone to join us this evening in love, prayer, and in peace for the world. Let’s LIGHT IT UP together!

My BeUtiful friends, with all my heart, thank you for BEing YOU!!

Thank you for sustaining hope, joy, perseverance, and goodness. Thank you for not falling into the propaganda of fear and hatred and for refusing to let us be separated and divided by anything less powerful than our Faith in each other and in what’s possible when we SPREAD LOVE AND LIGHT. Thank you for grounding yourself one more day into the highest and best of you and for channeling your light and healing rays wherever you shine. Thank you for your tears and your prayers and for your caring about all human beings and our beautiful home away from home. I love you with all my heart!

Namaste BeUtifuls, and Happy Thanksgiving!

With my LOVE and LIGHT,
Lee Ann Somers



February 2024 Newsletter


October 2023 Newsletter