October 2023 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings, and Happy OCTOBER to you and yours!


I am back from vacation, feeling recharged and inspired, and I really hope that your summer has been as beauty*full as mine has been! After 4 amazing weeks in Tuscany, Italy, the South of France and Barcelona, Spain, I can definitively say that this trip was as close to Heaven on Earth as it gets for me, and I would like to invite you to share with me the concept of HEAVEN ON EARTH as our BEING U theme this month. 


At first, HEAVEN ON EARTH might seem more etheric than a physical reality, more a feeling than a place, a distant future rather than a now, an ideal rather than a reality, but what if it’s closer than it seems and more possible to experience in daily life than ever before? Earth’s Ascension process has been accelerating and as the vibes are getting higher and more grounded, heavenly experiences and good Karma are becoming distinctively tangible and more frequent.


On this trip, HEAVEN ON EARTH for me was eating the best pizza of my life in a little café in Rome and having street performers who were singing Opera start singing my favorite song as I turned around the corner, and it moved me to tears. HEAVEN was in the color of the Mediterranean Sea that I sat and meditated next to in Issambres, and it was in my late afternoons at the beach with Irène soaking up golden rays of sunlight followed by the perfect French Rosé on the terrace with my French David under the grape vines he planted last year.  HEAVEN was walking arm in arm with Jean-Pierre through his little village, La Brigue, as he told me stories about his life, the evolution of his village after the War and his potato farming passion.    


My soul was reminded what being in HEAVEN ON EARTH is like! Truth be told, there’s a part of me that comes to life in the Alchemy of Europe! My inner 16-year-old touches ground and immediately channels the vibes of freedom and self-discovery that I experienced for the first time when I was an exchange student in Belgium. Then, my adulting kicks in and that inner essence grows and grows with all the incredible love and nurturing I feel around my friends and family that I get to visit there. By the time I plug into the Pink Ray Château de Liberté Etheric Temple hovering in Spirit over the South of France, my Soul feels ALIVE and blissed out beyond belief…. truly HEAVENLY! I soaked it all up in every way possible, the beauty and the flavors, the scenery and the spritzes, and other than one Flamenco Show evening in Barcelona where absolutely nothing went right, I loved every minute of it!


The quintessence moment of feeling HEAVEN ON EARTH was on my last day in Barcelona when I got to visit the Sagrada Familia Basilica designed by the famous architect, Antoni Gaudi, and I was speechless and immensely moved while visiting the inside. It was as close to being in the etheric temples here on Earth as it gets! Gaudi’s Masterpiece looks and feels more like an homage to God’s infinite creativity than a church, but for me, the moment I stepped inside, HEAVEN AND EARTH were one. Too boot, in true Aurora’s graceful fashion, we got rerouted from our 10am reservation to 5:30pm, the perfect time to see the sunlight shining in through the Golden Ruby Ray colored stained glass windows and the sanctuary was bathed in my Rays. Gaudi’s vision was to create a bridge between Heaven and Earth and to unite the realms, and interestingly enough he knew that he couldn’t accomplish his vision with the technology of his age, but he had the foresight to see that those who came after him eventually would be able to. To ensure this, he completed the most complicated piece of the cathedral in his lifetime as a way to guarantee that his project would be continued by future generations, and to guide its completion, he built incredibly detailed models and diagrams for every inch that remained. It has only been in the last 20 years that the technology has existed to create what he envisioned and the Sagrada Familia is set for completion in 2026.


There is so much about Gaudi’s devotion that speaks to me as a Lightworker, including that he honored his ancestors/predecessor’s work and built upon it since he was the second to be commissioned, while still staying true to his unique vison. He believed in his mission and patiently spent 40 years of his life devoted to this project knowing that he’d never see it fully accomplished. He accepted that he was one amongst many in this creative process, and he knew that he had to put his trust and faith in others to complete his mission. I am sure he was at times overwhelmed by the daunting task he gave himself to represent all of Life and Spirit in his work, and yet he persevered. I admire his reverence for nature, and he studied God’s creative mastery in all her elements and sought to incorporated them all into his design. The entire space is built in such a way that it feels like standing at the foot of gigantic trees looking up to heaven above while the light from above shines down on you. Lastly, he had the courage to defy every one of the accepted norms of the Catholic Church’s traditional design, and his innovation even broke the rules of architecture to make it happen.


Thank you for letting me share the many marvels in my heart. I don’t mean to go on and on, but I realize I could list 10,000 other Heaven on Earth-isms! They’re everywhere! For you too!! Look around and see God and Love and Light everywhere. Get present to the Beauty, the Hope, the Community of Beings you’ve gathered to you, the momentum of your dreams is coming to fruition, and the Spirit of YOU is embodying her qualities in your LIFE!!


I can’t wait to see what HEAVEN ON EARTH means for you, so I have built this theme into our programs starting with our BEING U Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka: SMP).  Enjoy 4 weeks of spiritual guidance, energetic practices, meditations and messages to help you tune into and to create more HEAVEN ON EARTH.


Here’s a peek at what is to come….


Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (OCTOBER 2)

Our BeUtiful Archangelic friends know a thing or two about being Heavenly on Earth as they serve as a bridge between the Spirit and the Physical. They also know how much you desire more divine access, increased communication to higher beings, improved awareness of Godliness in the mundane, and deeper integration with your own true SELF. In tonight’s healing meditation, the Archangels will remove the veils of separation between Heaven and Earth for you on all these levels and open up your gateways to HEAVEN ON EARTH, and our host for this will be ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL of the Yellow Ray.


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (OCTOBER 9)

Join me for a wonderful evening of Meditation and personalized messages from the Masters about how you can create Heaven on Earth and what exactly that means for you. Our hosts for this program will be Beloved Saint Germain, Master Serapis Bey, and World Teacher Kuthumi. They will speak on the Divine Plan Unfolding, your role in the collective, and how to create more personal Joy and Liberation to support the upliftment of Humanity to create Heaven on Earth for you and for all.

*Register by 6:55 pm on OCTOBER 9th in order to receive your message.



Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (OCTOBER 16)

Tonight’s energetic Attunement from the Rays will expand your relationship to your personal Life field in order to really plug you in to your creative forcefield, and to give you creative authority over your experience in this Life. This is YOUR Life to create as you wish and yet there are often times blockages to manifesting that which you truly desire, and some clearing work is required. All the 7 Rays will be working with you tonight, but we will also receive a special dispensation from the VIOLET FLAME for SELF AUTHORITY.


Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (OCTOBER 23)

Have you noticed that since the AUTUMN EQUINOX that there has been a huge wave of Solar Plexus and SACRAL chakra clearing taking place and that deep emotions are coming up especially around the themes of insufficiency (not enoughness) and injustice? This is the result of a transmutational process that has been triggered by the energies downloading on the planet to ultimately create more SELF BALANCE, LOVE and PEACE, a little bit more of a heavenly relationship to SELF and harmony with others. Tonight’s energetic clearing will help you to understand what the divine initiative is right now and to support you in a graceful way to move through the processing and integration.  


My BeUtiful friends, I can’t wait to share a little piece (or a big one) of HEAVEN ON EARTH with you!! You are all a piece of HEAVEN ON EARTH for me, and I will forever be grateful to you for BEING YOU! 


Namaste BeUtifuls, and so much Love (and spiritual Rosé) to you all!!!!


With all my heart,


November 2023 Newsletter


August 2023 Newsletter