July 2023 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy JULY!

I know that our theme for last month was ABUNDANCE, but I just can’t believe all that has happened since writing to you last! I am officially a year older. I have visited 2 new places I have never been to before. With a little help as my birthday gift from David, I also created my new favorite sacred space in my garden. And lastly, I have just met the soon-to-be-next love of my life, a mini baby Sheltie that we named Gracie…she’s not big enough to come home yet but pics to follow soon.

Honestly though, none of that excitement holds a candle to what’s going on in the Quantum field! This Summer Solstice has kicked my spiritual behind, and I feel like this Solstice we have been given a 50 times dose of a spiritual to-download list compared to most years, and I am deeply aware that the massive waves of energetic transference of new frequencies and higher consciousness are going to take us a lot longer to understand and to integrate than normal.

Despite having pretty strong spiritual muscles and working them relentlessly to integrate all that I have been receiving, I quickly realized that I was overwhelmed and wouldn’t make a dent, let alone gain clarity, without some divine assistance.  So, when I asked my team in Spirit for some insight about what in the ever-loving Universe was going on and why I was having such a hard time grounding the downloads, they simply said, “It’s not just a Solstice, you’re going through an Ascension process.” I had an immediate Soul level recognition of the depth and breadth of the meaning of this Solstice shift, and all my bells and whistles started to go off in my chakras, as I said, “Well that that explains it!”

What exactly that means on a personal level, I am still discovering, but I am dedicating this month’s BEING U programs to the theme of TRANSFORMATION so that I can find out more with all of you!

Every part of me is experiencing this extra ascension energy, in fact even my bones are feeling the demand for transformation and change. I feel it in my joints, in my eyesight, in my breath, it’s so tangible and palpable in every part of me, and I am sure you do too. If you, like me, are experiencing “weird stuff” going on in you that you can’t quite put your finger on, including new moods about random things, weird cravings and I don’t mean just for food, and even more weird not-here-but-here things, please know that you are not alone. You’re not crazy, you’re just transforming!

And so, my BeUtiful friends, I will be sharing with you all that I have been receiving and understanding about this Ascension opportunity and helping you to facilitate your own integration, transmutation, and transformational shift in our programs this month. I might not have all the answers, but I can promise that we’ll have more fun doing this together!

The fun begins tonight with Spiritual Maintenance Program (aka SMP)… 4 weeks of fabulous content, guidance, practices, and messages to help you tune in to your BeUtiful Ascending SELF. Here’s what to come….

Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (JULY 10)
Join me for a beautiful meditation experience as we call upon two Archangel powerhouses for some Ascension assistance and to support us in grounding and stabilizing our Lightbody systems into the energetics that we are currently activating. We welcome the Archangelic guru of transformation, ARCHANGEL METATRON, who will “oversee your transformation with the utmost care and compassion while making sure you don’t cheat yourself out of the rewards of courageous integration” (his words not mine) and Beloved ARCHANGEL MICHAEL who is overseeing the Throat Chakra overhaul that is anchoring in new waves of personal power and creative freedom. (A quick request from Metatron, please be well hydrated before we begin tonight.)


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (JULY 17)
Tonight, we call upon the Ascended Masters and Teachers to shed some Light on what Ascension truly means, not just in the esoteric sense, but in the very personal and individual sense for you, right now. Enjoy a beautiful masterful meditation and then receive one-on-one guidance from your spiritual mentors on what you’re up to transforming within yourSELF at this time and how to go about this change in the most masterful way possible.   

 *Register by 6:55 pm on JULY 17th in order to receive your message.


Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (JULY 24)
Last month’s Alchemy night introduced a Goddess Level 7 Ray Crown Activation which still blows my mind, and so I’ve decided to follow that up with a 7 GODDESS RAYS, 7 GODDESS CHAKRAS Meditation to integrate the Divine Feminine force into and through each one of our power centers. This should promote one of the major themes going on in the Universe right now which is to increase access to and to build trust in the Divine Feminine Source energies and to become a channel for that Love and Light.


Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (JULY 31)
It has come to my attention that another major initiative being facilitated thanks to this Summer Solstice’s downloads has been to open new channels of connection, abundance, and blessings between the human field and the planetary grids, so in tonight’s energetic clearing meditation, we will be working through your I AM presence field and through the Earth Star Chakra to clear the path for this transformation as well as create some guidance on what this means to your manifesting abilities and responsibilities.

My BeUtiful friends, I send you all my Love and Light and best wishes for an easy but deeply transformational, Self-actualizing, Ascension month!!  

Namaste, and thanks for BEing YOU!!!!

With all my heart,

Lee Ann Somers




August 2023 Newsletter


Lee Ann Somers’ June 2023 Newsletter