August 2023 Newsletter

Namaste BeUtiful BEings and Happy AUGUST!


My heart is bursting with anticipation and joy at all the good stuff coming up for me this month, and I can’t wait to hear what joyful news is on the agenda for you too! In 2 days, OMG 2 days, I will have not one, but TWO, brand new fur babies coming home with me and after 6 weeks of impatience. I cannot wait to love, love, love on them!!! Then, I will be heading across the pond to Europe for 4 weeks of road tripping through Tuscan, eating all the French baguettes I can handle, visiting with family and friends I haven’t seen since before COVID, and what is sure to be, starting a new love affair with beautiful Barcelona. Did I mention, my heart is bursting with joy? I keep saying to myself, “Stay grounded, Lee Ann” to which some other part of me is laughing hysterically at and saying, “Yeah, good luck with that!”


I bet that your joy is running high too! In honor of that, and just because my heart is so full of happy, I am declaring that our BEING U theme for the month of August is “THE GOOD STUFF”!


We have been swimming in high vibrational energy since the Summer Solstice. That, coupled with all the transformational spiritual clearing opportunities the Universe gave us in July, has made room for your mindful intentions and creative power to manifest “THE GOOD STUFF” all around you. Actually, this GOOD STUFF is more than 3 years in the making, and we’re now reaping what we’ve sown from that far back!


It’s not always easy to look back over 3+ years to gain perspective on what your soul has been up to, but fortunately for me, I have Aurora, my Guardian Archangel, to help me keep track of these things. I asked the Universe way back then to up level me with in 2 major themes in my life – LOVE and GRACE. Under these titles, I prayed for more ease, more happiness, more connection to Source, more access to abundance, more love of every kind. I asked for this both personally and collectively for all that I love (aka my peeps), that includes you – even if I didn’t know you back then. Then the deep dive happened, and I was thrust into “doing my part” while the Universe did its part. I began transmuting what needed to be burned off in the Rays little by little to put in my own energetic investment. (We always have to do our 1% so the Universe can do the rest.) You can image with an ask this big, that I’ve been hard at work ever since, and then finally this Spring, hope, breakthroughs, and blessings.


I felt a shift, as I always do when enough has been transmuted. It’s a deep awareness that I’m crossing over an invisible line and moving from the work of clearing the shadows / karma / resistance to doing a new job – energizing the positive, holding the vision, building the new muscles/grids/consciousness, opening the channels more to receiving, and then gaining momentum, strength, and power towards permanence.


I can’t help but roll my eyes just a bit when I hear people say I am going to manifest this or that just by affirming something 3 times. I don’t deny that that works once or twice magically and miraculously to give you a taste of Divine partnership, but for something to stick and to cultivate into permanence, it takes work! Used to be you had to do your 100%, then 10% after the Harmonic Convergence, now with new Aquarian Age dispensations being handed out like candy from the Universe to all who sincerely ask and who have the spiritual muscles to receive it, there’s much less work than ever before, but 1% of your karma on any particular topic is still definitely work! Yes, all of this is energetic work by the way, and with such a big ask, you can bet I have put in the hours. Note-to-Self for all of you up to this spiritual ascending work, don’t give up!! Don’t lose Faith in yourself or in the Universe or in your ask!! It’s working its way to you as fast as it can. Keep doing your part, and you’ll get the GOOD STUFF.


This is where I believe with all my heart that we find ourselves NOW. We are at the beginning of a NEW spiritual integration level where we can start living in the REAL Presence / Awareness / Experience of LOVE and GRACE, ABUNDANCE and BLESSINGS, JOY and HAPPINESS --- THE GOOD STUFF.

Let’s jump into this theme in our Spiritual Maintenance Plan (aka SMP) which because of my travels and time zones, will be a bit unusual in the scheduling.  The first 2 weeks of SMP are in August, and the last 2 weeks will be towards the end of September. Dates are noted below for 4 weeks of fabulous content, guidance, practices, and messages to help you tune in to your GOOD STUFF.


Here’s what to come….


Week 1 - Healing with The Archangels (AUGUST 7)

Tonight’s SMP is all about the LIONS GATE PORTAL! I know we’re a day early, but the energies are already gearing up, so I welcome you to join me and our Archangelic friends for a celestial meditation to activate your Lion’s Gate potential.  This portal is a potent spiritual gateway to amplify your abundance, power, and all THE GOOD STUFF, and I hope you will join us!


Week 2 – Messages from the Masters (AUGUST 14)

The Ascended Masters and Teachers welcome you to join us for a beautiful meditation and conversation with them about the topic, THE GOOD STUFF. What do they see as the good in the world today? What does it mean to them personally? What advice can they give to us to create or increase the good stuff in our lives? Perhaps they’ll reveal some secrets on how to turn goodness into actual stuff. Tonight’s program will be an invitation to the Masters to channel messages to our group on whatever they deem necessary for us, and allowing for time, we will receive channeled group messages from as many Masters as possible on the topic.


Week 3 – Alchemy of the 7 Rays (SEPTEMBER 18)

Now it is time for some of the Ruby Ray’s GOOD STUFF! I was gifted with a powerful affirmation from Archangel Aurora this week that I would like to share with all of you, as well as to ask her and the team from the Golden Ruby Ray to Attune us to its highest Truth and Divine Essence. The affirmation is: “I AM Embodied, Emboldened, Emblazoned, and Energized with God’s Glory, Victory, and Grace, I AM!”


Week 4 – Energetic Clearing (SEPTEMBER 25)

Tonight’s Energetic Clearing meditation will be about activating your sacred contracts for THE GOOD STUFF! Join me for a BeUtiful meditation to Activate your soul contract and Source codes for great Love, Happiness, Abundance, Empowerment, Healing, Hope, Self-Worth, Wealth, Upgrades, Ascension, and basically all the good stuff that your heart truly desires and wishes to manifest in this lifetime!

My BeUtiful friends, I can’t wait to share THE GOOD STUFF with you and to help you ground into the highest YOU and the best LIFE possible!  

Namaste, and thanks for BEing YOU!!!!

With all my heart,


October 2023 Newsletter


July 2023 Newsletter